First impressions

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The reactions from the crowd felt familiar to you, and thank God they did, because they were intense: People standing from their seats to jump and scream for you, flowers falling on the stage all around you like a solidified rainstorm; even if you were in a different place, in an entirely different timeline might I add, it all reminded you of your people, it all reminded you of Republic city.

You appreciated the warm welcome but, deep down, you knew that you were not here to be applauded, or to mingle or to party. You were here for one thing and one thing only: Securing the future of your people.

You were so immersed in your own thoughts that you almost didn't notice when Genji grabbed your hand and tugged you towards him.

You turned to look at him, almost annoyed. You noticed the rest of the avatars exiting the stage through a small stairway that led to the main floor.

"Huh, I hadn't even noticed they were there." You muttered at Genji while looking at them.

He scoffed with a smile. "God, that fire nation conceitedness really did not spare you, future life." He spoke while pulling you towards the stairs.

As you walked, you took a second to look at the Avatars. All you could see was their backs, faces nowhere in sight, but you immediately felt an overwhelming connection to all of them. 

Suddenly, you felt Genji's hand be yanked away from your own, almost immediately stressing at the loss of his touch. Your thoughts were interrupted by a plethora of voices, all unfamiliar to you.

"Avatar Y/N! It's such a pleasure to meet you!" One said.

"You look absolutely stunning tonight!" Exclaimed another.

Your brain turned on, trying your best to smile and be polite as they dragged you away from the comfort of Genji. 

"Thank you so much, this whole thing is amazing." You smiled at them, attempting to show your gratitude, even if all you wanted to do was run to look for Genji.

The conversations were fine. They were decent, not too short, not too long, but they all remained superficial. They asked you about your outfit, about your era, about Jinora, etc. Never really asking about you.

"Hey, are all the parties in the future as wild as the ones Jinora showed us?" One girl asked.

Your brain farted. "I, um...what?"

"Yeah! You know, the ones that appeared in the projections! You go hard, girl." Someone else replied.

"Yeah...Hey, how much of that did you see?" You asked, genuinely interested.

"Um...all of it?" The same girl replied, chuckling. "The projections were pretty public, they wanted to give us an idea of who was coming to help us."

You were washed over by a fortuitous sense of embarrassment. "I..." You composed yourself. "I really don't party that much, those were mostly birthday parties." You stated stoically.

There was silence in your group for a brief moment, before they all broke out in laughter.

"Y/N, you don't need to act so formal, we're all university students for God's sake! The reason why we wanted to talk to you is because we loved seeing you out there." The girl spoke with a smile on her face, tears of laughter almost peeking out of the corners of her eyes.

"Yeah!" Another guy spoke in between chuckles. "You and Genji are the only Avatars we can relate to, I mean, come on, an Avatar they call Leviathan? You party just like us!"

You took a second to really look at them. Up until then you hadn't noticed they all seemed to be around the same age as you. 

An idea popped into your mind. You looked behind them at a set of square tiles in the middle of the ballroom: A dance floor. Bingo.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2023 ⏰

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