The calling

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Republic city was chaos. There were parades and events every other week, and you were expected to attend nearly every single one of them.

Every once in a while a riot would form. Citizens asking for something they should already have, and you trying your hardest either to give it to them or to find a compromise.

Uprisings broke from time to time. The rebels that wanted benders in power, who had adopted the name "Culturalists", were annoying and borderline villainous, but they were citizens nonetheless. They were reckless with their petitions and very rarely asked; but if they did ask, you made sure to listen to them. You knew the alternative was much, much worse.

Small battles would take place whenever a rebel group attacked. You convinced yourself at first that you would not allow fatalities, but that truly was not your decision to make. Every single time it happened guilt consumed you. You were sure this was going to be the time that people started hating you for allowing people to die in battle but, it never happened. Each time you were praised more, and each time you tried even harder to prevent them.

You did a lot. You worked specifically hard on poor, non-bender communities, implementing a substantial benefit Sistem and creating jobs for non-benders in and out of the city. You protected your people, because that is what they were. They were yours to protect.

An Avatar is not a celebrity. In it's essence, it wasn't supposed to be. You were supposed to be a protector, almost a safety measure, not an icon. You shouldn't have to upkeep an image. Nevertheless, it's well known that you did. They all did, since the very first one. You had to be an example; dress well, perform excelence in and out of the battlefield, and no matter how much all of it affected you, an avatar never lets it show. 

So you partied. You partied hard.

You saw it as your escape. Growing up in the academy meant limited freedom, so it was almost expected for you to go all out when you got the chance. The White Lotus hated it; they hated your friends, they hated your clothes, they even hated your sleep schedule. A day didn't go by where they didn't remind you of the people talking about the Avatar, the party animal. They showed you the pictures of you dancing, smoking, hanging from ceilings, and drinking. Oh, they hated your drinking. They called you Leviathan because of the way you partied because, according to them, you would "drown" in alcohol. So, the nickname stuck. You stayed a Leviathan in the eyes of the Lotus, which was ironic considering you sucked at waterbending.

People knew you for it. They loved you for it. They loved you.


You were coming home from a party when you got the news. Heels (Or sneakers) already in your hands as you walked barefoot from the limo to your front door. 

You walked in to the pissed off looks from the Lotus.

"Well, if it isn't the greatest avatar of all time." Said one of them sarcastically. You didn't respond, you just let them chuckle at the sight of you. "Sit down, Y/N. We have news."

You spoke as you were setting your bag in your nightstand. "Isn't this breaking and entering?"

"Bah, don't get political." Exclaimed the Grand Lotus. "This has become our Pai Sho spot ever since you moved in." You tried to act as if that didn't terrify you.

You ran your fingers against your eyes before you spoke. "K, I'm ready. Spit it out."

"Well, first of all, Y/N. Are you...sober?"

You shot a look at whoever said that. You didn't push it were most definitely not sober. "Yes. Yes, I'm- I was good tonight."

"Hmm." The Grand looked you up and down. "All right, let's choose to believe you. We have a situation. Master jinora, whenever you're ready."

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