Fuck the future

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Avatar Genji in the flesh. Was standing Right. In front. Of you.

"H-hey past me!" You looked at Jinora. "Aren't you s-supposed to be..." Jinora nodded. You didn't know what the fuck to make of it. "I-I mean, you know. You're-"

"Dead." Genji finished the sentence for you. "I know. It hit me hard when they told me."

You looked at your past life, almost feeling guilty. "So, can we...prevent it?"

He chuckled and spoke with a smile. "No, Y/N. My death is supposed to happen. Everything happens as it must. I already lived enough, and if we prevented my death, I assume it goes without saying what would happen with you."

You stayed looking at him. "...So you're taking the L?" What the fuck is wrong with you.

He let out a cackle and spoke between laughter. "I like her, Jinora!"

You were cut off by the Grand Lotus walking inside with a stern look. "Avatar Y/N, your parents are here."

You nodded. Jinora spoke up. "Y/N, we want you to spend the day with your parents. Go out somewhere, talk things over. At night you will meet up with Genji and organize everything before you leave."

All you could do was nod.


The day with your parents went by fast. They weren't happy about you fighting a battle that, according to them, wasn't even yours; but they knew how important this was, for you and for them.

You met up with Genji at your apartment at sundown. He was playing with Itza when you walked in.

"She likes you, past life." You said as you walked in.

He chuckled. "Yeah, I like her too, future life. I might just steal her."

"Yeah keep dreaming. Where's yours?"

"He's at home. Or...well, in my time." He replied.

"I think it's supposed to be at your time." you said.

"Nah, that sounds wrong. Fuck this is confusing." He looked up at you as he said that. "Are we actually going to plan a strategy right now?"

A lightbulb flashed on in your head. "Well, I don't know you enough as a person to know if you'd prefer that over going clubhopping so..."

He giggled. "Oh, I'm down."

You waited before yelling victory. "Is Jinora here?" He shook his head. "The White Lotus?" He shook it again. "Is this a trap? Did they set me up to corrupt Avatar Genji?"

"Woah. They really keep your leash short don't they?" He sputtered.

You scoffed. "Why do you think I party so hard?"


You and Genji were two different people. He was hyper, you were calm. But there was no question about the fact that you were, most definitely, the same soul.

The club was already alive by the time you walked in. You shuffled your way over to the bar in between the crowds of people to see the usual bartender, a young man from the southern water tribe called Nalu.

"Oh my God! The Avatar is in my bar, I think I'm gonna faint!" He exclaimed sarcastically.

You smiled, noticing an irony in the fact that he was saying that. "Yeah, you might wanna make it plural this time, Nalu."

He forrowed his brows, almost like you had told him a joke and he didn't get it. You tilted your head to the side, signaling towards Genji. Nalu's eyes doubled in size.

same soul - Korra x ReaderDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora