"You're choosing Charles over me," I said plainly. Artemis shook her head, "No, I'm choosing to let go of you so that you stop plaguing yourself of me. You nearly killed me and Charles on the track. Just focus on racing Carlos."

"All of this, for him?!," I said, shoving her away from me. She winced in pain as her back hit the hotel room door.

"Carlos please-," she begged but I walked up to her and grabbed her by the shoulders. "You think it's always going to work out like you want, huh?," I yelled, I couldn't hold in my pain and frustration with her anymore, "Mi Hermosa, you are so beautiful but so dense."

"Don't call me dense!," she yelled back, trying to shove me off but I held on, digging her further into the door. I dug my fingers into her shoulders and shoved her harder into the door.

"Carlos, stop-," she begged but I couldn't stop. She had to know how much of a manipulative asshole she's being. "You screwed up my life with your bullshit! Now wanting me to forget whatever happened between us as if you didn't know what would happen to me with how you were treating me?"

"You think I wouldn't catch feelings after you stayed over those many nights?," I pressed further but she wouldn't look at me, "LOOK AT ME!"

She looked at me, tears forming in her eyes but I didn't care. She hurt me. She hurts everybody.

"All you do is hurt people. Just because you're broken doesn't mean you get to break other people too," I said, fresh tears leaving my eyes.

"Did you hear what I said?!"

"Yes, I did-"

"Then you better remember it, Artemis, you hurt people. You deserved being called a nightmare because all you do is wreak havoc in people's lives," I said with the only strength I had left to oppose her, "Ever since you entered my life, you brought me misfortune after misfortune because you were never clear about how you felt. But now I know you for who you truly are."

"A heartless bitch who doesn't know how to feel," I said, finally letting her go, "Just leave and go see your perfect teammate. Watch him break your heart like he has with all his other girlfriends."

"Carlos please."

"No, you are nothing to me. Just go please, I'll rest easy knowing that I finally stood up for myself from you," I said, as she finally left my room, my heart heavy as I closed the door on her.

I sunk into my bed. Tears leaving my eyes. I keep on making mistakes. I should've never broken up with Isa and we probably would've been married by now and I wouldn't end up with this mess. But I already lost her. I lost her a long time ago before we even broke up, all for this pursuit of the championship.


C. Leclerc

"I'm glad you guys made it, Pierre, keep your sassy remarks to yourself," I warned and Pierre just gave me a stupid smile and said, "That's like telling me to shut up for the rest of the night."

"That would actually be preferred," I teased but really, I meant it. Pierre can be funny but his funny is truthful so it hurts. As soon as Lando, Max, and Pierre got comfy in their seats, the waiter came with a round of drinks for us.

"Whiskey on the rocks?," Lando said before he took a sip. He visibly winced after taking a sip, "How old is this whiskey? Because it feels like it's going to knock me out. Might as well give me absinthe at this point."

"Seems to be a serious talk then if we skip the weak alcoholic spirits," Max commented, taking sips of the whiskey as if it wasn't too bitter. Even I had to admit it was strong but I was too sad and bothered to taste it today.

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