Valentine's Day

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"No, I don't. Are you asking me to accompany you or informing me that you have a Valentine's date?"

"I suppose if you want to tag along you can." Emma dried the dishes and put them away.

"Where are we going?" Emma started walking back towards their bedroom and Taylor followed her like a lost puppy. "At least tell me what I should wear."

"Clothes." Emma opened one of her drawers and started looking through it.

"Thank you, that's very helpful. I was actually thinking of going naked."

"I mean, I wouldn't complain. You might be cold though."

Taylor rolled her eyes. "Are we going ice skating again?" She studied Emma's face because she knew she wasn't going to get an answer. Emma was giving no indication of either answer, which meant no. "Not ice skating. Are we going outside?"

Shockingly, Emma did answer. "Yes. If that's okay with you. It should just be the two of us, no one else." Taylor nodded and dug through her drawers for a pair of jeans. She pulled her favorite pair on and looked over at Emma who was now wearing jeans and pulling a sweater over her head. She was facing away, giving Taylor the opportunity to openly stare at her, but Emma turned around too quickly.

"You're so gorgeous." Taylor smiled at her use of the word. It was her favorite thing to call Emma, mainly because Emma had no clue that she was the subject of a song with that very title.

"What do you want?"

"I can't just tell you that you're gorgeous to be nice?" Taylor smiled at her to try and convince her there was no ulterior motive for calling her gorgeous.

"You look like you want something."

"No, I just wanted to tell you that you're gorgeous. Maybe I'll write a song about how gorgeous you are and put it on my next album." Taylor laughed and tried to hide the fact that she had already written the song. It worked, Emma seemed to pick up on a different part of that sentence.

"You better not. If you do and anyone I know finds out it's about me, I will tell them all how gay you are." Emma pointed a finger at Taylor.

"Is that supposed to be a threat? If they know it's about you then they would definitely already know how gay I am. It wouldn't really..."

Emma interrupted her, smiling ear to ear. "Wait, you said next album. Are you planning a new album? That's awesome, I'm so happy for you!"

"I have a couple of ideas for songs. I've been entertaining putting out a new album sometime."

"I want to hear all about them. In the car. We need to go now so we can get there early." Emma took her hand and walked her to the car. She opened the door and gestured in, but she didn't slide in after Taylor like she normally would. Emma shut the door and Taylor saw her arguing with Dean for a minute before he handed her the keys.

Emma opened the door and got in the driver's seat. "I'm driving today."

Dean got in the passenger seat and stared at Taylor. "It's hard to tell her no, she's very insistent." Then he said something else, mouthing it so that Emma couldn't hear. "You tell her no." Taylor laughed and shook her head.

Emma adjusted the seat and turned around to look at Taylor. "Tell me about all the song ideas while I'm driving."

Taylor waited until she had pulled onto the road before saying anything about the album. She planned on waiting longer, but Emma kept looking back at her in the mirror to try and figure out what she was doing. "So far I have one idea for a song about the whole situation and I have a few for songs about you."

When Emma Falls in Love (Taylor Swift x OC)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum