Fiona laughs through her response, shaking her head in disappointed amusement. "You're insane."

You sigh, tired of her constant pessimism. "Be nice," you try. "He's cool."

She just shrugs her shoulders, insistent on emphasizing how awful Eddie is, "It was nice knowing you."

You break away from Chrissy with a frown set deep in your face, turning full-bodied toward Fiona with furrowed brows. "Stop being mean to him," you tell her, your voice firm as you put your foot down. You stare at her, and she watches you defend Eddie with an intensity she deems excessive.

She just scoffs, backing down without offering her apologies for offending you as she grabs her stuff. She waves and leaves you be, walking away to separate from your anger.

Chrissy set a hand on your arm, tucking herself into your side for comfort as she smiles. "I think it's cool," she says. You look at her and your smile slowly returns as you hug her again.

"Thanks, Chris."


When Friday comes, you are ecstatic. You confirm the time with Eddie one more time and force time to pass quicker so you can see him later that evening. You and Chrissy get together and pick out the perfect outfit and the perfect makeup and the perfect everything.

As the time inches closer and closer to your date, you finally get into Chrissy's car, well on your way to the theatre to meet Eddie. When she drops you off, you are perfectly on time. Seven o'clock on the dot. With good wishes, she leaves to go meet up with Jason.

You wait for Eddie as the time ticks on, assuming he is simply fashionably late. More people come in, more people grab their tickets and concessions, more people go to their movies with their dates and families and friends.

But you wait.

And you wait.

You wait.

For three hours, you wait.

But he never comes.


The embarrassment was hot in your cheeks all weekend. Chrissy came over as soon as she heard on Saturday, there to comfort you, to assure you that maybe there was a good explanation. She stayed the night at your place and you watched movies and talked and pretended you were happy and fine with what happened.

On Sunday, the sadness and the pity kicked in. You stayed in bed and read romance novels and cuddled your favorite stuffed animal and ignored the homework you had left to do.

But on Monday, when it is time to get back to class...

You are livid.

The princess of Hawkins tears through Hawkins High on the way to the cafeteria during lunch, and no one dares to stop her. Walking into the cafeteria, you catch Eddie at his usual table like clockwork and set your sights on him. People notice you walk down, they see you go up to his table and stop in front of him way before he even notices the footsteps approaching him.

When he finally sees you, it's because you're standing in front of him with your arm crossed over your chest.

He looks at you, a hint of fear in his eyes expertly coated in confusion. His table watches intently, all conversation halted to see what would go down as you glare at the ringleader of Hawkins' freaks.

"You stood me up."

He furrows his brow, tilting his head. "Huh?"

You scoff, uncrossing your arms and shaking your head. "You stood me up!" you repeat yourself, chewing on the inside of your cheek for a moment. "I waited for you for, like, an hour, and you never came."

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