The Honor Roll (pt. 2)

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Eddie hates seeing you like this.

A week ago, you found out that there was going to be a "random" drug sweep through the school two weeks from that date through a teacher who had accidentally said too much around a star student. You knew you couldn't be caught having your system flooded with weed, so you had to sober up.

It is the most miserable you have been in years.

With the way you handled your high, you would not be able to smoke for at least two weeks before the sweep. You were a bit of a mess on the first day, and a complete and total wreck by the first half of the first week.

Eddie always watched you closely, took in the way you behave and interact. He had gotten so used and so fond of you and your stoner self. He had yet to see how you were sober...

...and the results were nearly depressing.

It was a major change — maybe not to everyone else, but it was to him. To others, it just seems like you are just having a few rough days. They blame it on exams, which would be coming up right after the sweep. You always look hard at work now, scribbling frustratedly on papers and furiously erasing your mistakes. It is just stress getting to you.

But Eddie knew better.

Ever since that first night in Eddie's van, where you smoked and talked and giggled happily, the two of you have been more than happy together. It is a secret relationship, one snuck behind the backs of parents, teachers, and students alike for the concern of each other's reputations (more yours than Eddie's) if word were to get out.

Before school, you hide away in Eddie's van and smoke or play with his hair or listen to music. During lunch, you both sneak away to yours or Eddie's hang out where you enjoy each other's companies before classes. After school, you would hide out at his place, wrapped up in Eddie and all of his silly antics. His uncle Wayne is the only one who knew about you two.

You are happy, content with one another.

Then that damn drug sweep demanded your sobriety.

And, as a person who has not been properly sober in roughly three years, you are not doing well. Eddie knows this, and it breaks his heart.

He sees you struggle. Being perfect before was so effortless to you. You could smile, talk, and get your perfect grades with ease. It truly astonishes him how one person can just...breathe excellence. You have many "friends" who enjoy your presence, many teachers who love your work ethic. You really were Hawkins's star student.

And then you had to stop smoking. Eddie doesn't think he's ever seen so much of a wreck before. You're exhausted all the time — and not in the way that you were before. He can hardly sneak any time with you before or after school much anymore. You are either slaving away at homework and studying or passed out on a desk with pens and papers stuck to your face. Then, during lunch, he has to ensure you eat so you do not spend the whole time passed out against his chest.

Your relationships are much harder to keep. You are unfocused and jumpy, you're anxiety ridden, and you can hardly keep a smile without looking like it physically pains you.

The difference is astronomical.

Eddie does his best to make sure you're alright. He has taken it up as his job, every day and every night, to make sure you're doing as well as you can. It isn't healthy, your entire behavior, and he can't help but feel like he encouraged it when you both began your relationship. But he would never tell you that.

You don't need any more on your plate.


"Hey, stop that."

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