What little boys are made of...

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Psalm 20: 1-5 "May the Lord answer you when you are in distress, may He protect you. May He send you help and grant you support. May He remember all your sacrifices and accept your offerings. May He give you the desires of your heart, and make all your plans succeed. May we shout for joy over your victory and lift up our banners in the name of our God. May the Lord grant all your requests."

It was Saturday the 28th of May 2016. Today was your baby shower, or storks tea as some like to call it, but to us it was a day of thanks giving. To thank God for the precious gift, He gave us, which is you. Lots of preparations had been made by Aunty Shanal, Grandma Mummy-girl, Aya and Grandma, and there was even more hard work done by them in the week leading up to it, especially the night before as we rested peacefully in bed. Luckily they had a little help from Aunty Chi Chi who came and stayed from the night before, as well as Aunty Gracia who made the cookies, and Aunty Jessica and Abigail who helped with balloons on the day. Aunty cookie did the cooking, and she was helped by Aunty Meryl who are you Grannies from church. Like the saying goes; many hands make light work. 

A lot of people came, almost all the ladies from church, even friends from mums previous place of work traveled over an hour to come say welcome to you. Aunty Katlego, Pastor David's wife, as well as Reverend Mida from our church brought a beautiful and prophetic word, blessing the life you will be born to lead. Great-grandma (Aya) even gave a prayer and blessing over you. It was awesome and the presence of God was felt by all.

Side note* Aunty Shanal and Grandma worked themselves into a fit of gastro. They were sick the rest of the weekend.

We sang praise and worship songs, and Reverend Mida brought the word. We played a few games and had the most delicious lunch, which was so good, everyone had seconds! We laughed and opened a crazy amount of presents. We talked about you, and the blessings you would bring as well as receive. My baby,... if I could love you so much before seeing you, there is is no numerical or any other value, that could measure how much I love you, after finally holding you in my arms.

Proverbs 3: 5-6 "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to Him, and He will make your path straight."

There is still a lot for me to learn, and you will learn too. But the one thing that always remains true, is that the Lords will is full, perfect and not in our control. If we trust Him in ALL things, He reveals His secrets to us in due time; if we are ready to accept His truth, and our ears are open to His voice.

1 Corinthians 2: 10 "For His spirit searches out everything, and shows us God's deep secrets."

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