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Matthew 10: 22 "He who endures to the end will be saved."

My dearest baby, in all things please remember:

1. 1Corinthians 10: 13 

He will give you a way out, though you may not always like it, it will be the right way.

2. Matthew 10: 22

He knows your abilities better than you do, He will never give you more than you can handle.

3. Romans 8: 37

 You can only conquer a situation through Him, no-one else, and never on your own. 

By this point in time, there was no doubt in my mind that God had been working miracles throughout my pregnancy... and yet there was still fear. I was still, in my fleshly thinking, calculating variables; How do I tell them?; Where to tell them?; Should I wait a little longer till I receive my back-pay, so that my dad (your grandpa) can see that I don't intend to burden him with my responsibilities?; Should I first start by renting somewhere else just in case they kick me out?; How do I save Aunty Shanal from being involved in this mess?; Is my family going to hate me for bringing shame upon myself and them?; Maybe I should just silently leave?... and so the list goes on.

My baby, sometimes we don't realize our own thoughts from the ones the 'enemy' uses to deceive us, or even from God's own voice. To know the difference we must have practice and knowledge in the word of God. Always remember that God NEVER contradicts His word. 

Due to my relationship with your grandparents and the way in which I grew up, the sum of all my fears made up of both rational and irrational fears. All the people supporting me, were of course urging me to tell my parents, but I soon realized that by now, it was no longer a matter of whether your grandparents were ready to hear what I had to tell them, but rather whether I was ready to tell them... and so I decided to pray.

My prayer: God give me strength, give me words, give me humility as well as courage. Help me care, protect and love this baby. Help my parents understand, touch their hearts in a way only you can. I stand in faith that my baby's life was planned and purposed by You God. Amen.

Romans 8: 28 "In all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose."

And so it came time to tell them. It happened that God was ministering to my heart that day through friends and in my spirit. Grandma came home. Grandpa was still at work, so I called him to come home as soon as he was done as there was something important I had to tell him. Shalin was busy with work in his room and your Aunt Shanal had gone to the Tuck-shop for the evening. (She was very upset at me for waiting for her to leave before telling our parents, and not letting her be there) I had been praying about it from the morning, and until they were in their seats, waiting to hear what I had to say. While I prayed the Lord gave me the verse: Galatians 3, Faith vs Law.

Between sobs, I managed to tell them the whole story as best as I could. They asked questions about your biological father, your grandma was very upset, and then... Your grandpa got up and hugged me. To me, that was a true miracle, and testimony to the workings of God. This strict and disciplinarian father, who would punish me whenever I had made a mistake, simply held me in his arms. Your grandparents offered me love, support and in that moment all the fears I had held in my heart were shredded away. All the dread, the stress of telling them and fearing the worst possible outcomes, all the worries were for naught. All your grandpa wanted to know, is if you would grow up to play golf with him,... and you do.

*Side Note: I would also like to add that by this time, while in my tummy, you also attended the legal marriage of Aunt Chi Chi and Uncle Eldon at the Boksburg Home Affairs.

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