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Female lead's POV-


This name surely brings a smile to my face.

I saw him 4 months back outside the cafe and I immediately liked him.

Umm love at first sight? Yes.

He's very handsome. A Greek god for real. He always has this boyish grin on his face that always brightens up my mood like the sun brightens up the, world.

The sunshine guy.

My sunshine guy.

It was very hard knowing his name. For the first week, I just noted his arrival timings, then matched the dates after one week and I got to know his name.

My mom used to say that when we like someone their presence makes everything better, if not better it surely gives us the warmth no one else can.

"Call her" I heard my father shouting.

There it goes again.

"She's not at home." My stepmom replied.

She always tries to save me from his wrath. She's not like other stepmoms, we don't share a good bond and this is surely because we barely get time to talk, in normal circumstances we surely would've made a really nice mother-daughter duo. She provides that motherly warmth, I've always craved after my mother's death or I should say murder.

"She talked to him again. I should've killed her with that bitch" tears rolled down my cheeks hearing him.

"He was talking about conducting a party. It was business-related nothing else. I was there too" she tried to cover.

"If I got to hear anything again, I would kill both of you. Women are such a shame." He shouted and I heard a slap sound after 1 minute.

He slapped her. Because of me. Again.

I hate it. I hate when he scolds someone because of me.

After some time, I heard 2 knocks on the door which meant my stepmother was there.

We've made this code she had, to prevent me from my father's beating.

I opened the door and saw her bruised cheek.

"I'm sorry, it happened again-" I said and she immediately held my hand, caressing them.

"Not your fault" she said giving me a small smile.

"He went out, both of us are safe now. Let's have dinner." She said.

"I'm not hungry"

"You know I won't let you sleep with an empty tummy." She said with a smile.

"You go, I'll just come in 5 minutes."

After washing my face I went outside and saw her serving dal rice in 2 plates.

"Where's Aarav?" I asked.

"He went to his Nani's place, he'll be back by tomorrow." I nodded at her reply.

"I'm sorry because of my son you had to-"

"It's okay, he's still unaware of a lot of things." I cut her off. I don't have any hard feelings for Aarav, he's a child and my father is very good at manipulating.

"I met my school friend today, I told her about you and guess what!! She's ready to help us financially for your further education." She squealed.

"Papa won't allow it."

"Who's gonna tell him? He already ruined your future, I won't let him interfere now."

I told her once about about my mom's dream. She wanted me to be a professor, and from that day onwards she tried her best to persuade my father to let me study but he denied it every time. So she finally gave up and started asking outsiders for their help.

God has really sent an angel for me.

"Thank you so much" I cried.

"Silly girl" she chuckled.

"I want to ask something," she said and I looked at her.

"How about I send you to my sister's house? She lives alone. I can't assure you of a wealthy lifestyle but no one will ever scold you there. I can assure you that"


"Ignore him. He's not gonna keep you in this house for long anyway. He's seeking an alliance for you" Her words pierced my heart, and tears rolled down my cheeks.

How can he?

I'm sick of crying.

"Don't cry baccha" she said wiping my tears. We finished our dinner in silence and went to our rooms.


"No! No! Stop. Please stop."

"Stop it hurts"

"Please stop papa"

"I'm begg-aaahhhh"

"You should know your fucking place" he slapped me hard.

"Will you tell anyone about your mother's death?"

"No I won't I promise"

I jerk up from my sleep, and my hair clings to my face with sweat as I look around frantically. A sense of security settled in me when I saw the door locked.

I'm safe.

But for how long?

Mom was right. I should move out.

Will I be safe there?

Am I really safe here? I asked myself.

I've no expectations from anyone now. My father has broken my heart before anyone else could.

My eyes fell on the prettiest little pendant Ahaan gave me, which unknowingly brought a sense of comfort to me.

Will I ever be able to meet you again Ahaan?

Y'all have finally met the female lead

ps this chapter sounded much better in my head sachiimeeee

Bye muah

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