-Chapter 6-

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Shin remained concealed on a tree, observing the standoff between Naruto and Kakashi with a sense of discomfort. He winced as Kakashi subjected Naruto to the "A Thousand Years of Pain" technique, a move Shin preferred not to describe in detail.

Unable to stand the spectacle any longer, Shin quickly formed hand signs and employed a shadow manipulation technique. The ground beneath Kakashi seemed to come alive, engulfing him in darkness, while shadowy tendrils constricted around him, preventing his movement.

Sasuke seized the opportunity and unleashed a barrage of kunais and shurikens at the immobilized Kakashi. The projectiles hit their target, creating a cloud of smoke where Kakashi once stood. To Shin's chagrin, the smoke revealed a mere log in Kakashi's place, as he had escaped their trap.

Shin let out a sigh of frustration, realizing they were dealing with a formidable opponent. He knew he needed to find a more secure hiding place. 

However, his focus shifted when he heard Naruto's voice. Approaching the source of the sound, Shin was astonished to find Naruto hanging upside down from a tree by his ankle. Without hesitation, Shin cut Naruto down using his kunai.

"Naruto, what did you do?" Shin inquired as he helped his teammate.

"I'm fine; he just caught me off guard," Naruto replied. "Anyways, I gotta go and catch him," he added before rushing off in pursuit of Kakashi, his determination unbroken.

Shin continued his search for Kakashi, hoping to find any sign of their elusive sensei or some clues that would help them succeed in their mission. However, instead of finding Kakashi or further leads, he stumbled upon Sakura, who appeared to be unconscious on the forest floor.

Approaching her, Shin gently tapped her arm, but there was no response from Sakura. Concerned, he carefully laid her on her back and observed her discomfort. She twisted and turned, beads of sweat forming on her forehead as she murmured soft, distressed words.

Realization struck Shin like a lightning bolt—Sakura was trapped inside a genjutsu. Acting swiftly, he brought his hands together and used his knowledge to dispel the genjutsu. Sakura sat up abruptly and let out a startled scream, "Sasuke!"

Shin furrowed his brows, puzzled by her sudden outburst. "Sasuke?" he questioned.

Sakura turned to Shin, her eyes welling up with tears. "He's dead!" she cried, her voice trembling with emotion.

Shin was taken aback. "What?" he asked, his confusion deepening. "You were in a genjutsu, Sakura," he gently reminded her.

However, Sakura's mood shifted dramatically. She stood up suddenly, her determination resurfacing as she declared, "I'm going to save you, Sasuke!" and dashed off.

Worried about her well-being, Shin hurried after her, calling, "Sakura, wait!"

But Sakura's fervor seemed to consume her as she suddenly stopped and fainted without warning, collapsing to the ground.

"Sakura?" Shin called out in concern as he reached her side. His shock intensified when he saw Sasuke, seemingly trapped underground

Shin was at a loss for words when he saw Sasuke emerge from the hole in the ground, his cheeks slightly flushed. Sasuke didn't offer an explanation, and Shin didn't press the matter further.

Without dwelling on the unexpected situation, Shin approached Sasuke and extended a hand toward the hole, allowing his shadows to reach in and force Sasuke to resurface. Sasuke climbed out, dusting himself off with an air of nonchalance.

Shin's worry for Sakura was evident as he continued to observe her. She seemed to be in distress, sweating profusely, and Shin couldn't help but feel concerned.

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