-Chapter 3-

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"I'm definitely going to make it through!" Naruto exclaimed with a determined tone, his footsteps echoing as he strode past Shin, who responded with a soft, gentle smile.

Shin's eyes glinted with amusement as he spoke, a hint of curiosity in his voice, "Naruto, you're aiming to become the Hokage, aren't you?"

Naruto's chest swelled with pride as he nodded vigorously, his spiky hair bobbing in agreement. However, a flicker of uncertainty crossed his features as he suddenly halted in his steps. "Shin," he began cautiously, his voice tinged with a touch of worry, "What if destiny doesn't put us on the same team?"

In response, a melodic laugh bubbled from Shin's lips, his movements graceful as he closed the distance between them. Placing a reassuring hand on Naruto's head, he spoke with a reassuring grin, "Naruto, don't let that trouble you right now. We should focus on our exam first."

Naruto's azure eyes met Shin's warm gaze, a mixture of determination and gratitude shining within them.

The sun's gentle rays illuminated the path ahead, casting a golden hue over the scene. Naruto's worries began to melt away, replaced by a renewed sense of purpose.

Shin's presence beside him was a steady source of encouragement. His easygoing demeanor and unwavering support were like a balm to Naruto's restless spirit. 

With each step they took, the weight of the future felt a little lighter, and the prospect of pursuing their dreams together seemed all the more attainable.

Naruto stole a glance at Shin, his heart warming at the sight of his friend's serene expression. There was something about Shin that went beyond friendship—a connection that Naruto couldn't quite put into words. It was as if their souls resonated on a deeper level, an unspoken understanding that transcended the ordinary.

As they entered the bustling classroom, Naruto and Shin found their usual seats. The air was charged with a mix of nervousness and excitement, their fellow classmates engaging in hushed conversations about the upcoming exam. 

Naruto's thoughts, however, were centered on Shin. He admired Shin's poise, his ability to navigate challenges with a calm demeanor, and the genuine kindness that radiated from him.

The instructor entered the room, drawing the students' attention to the task at hand. Naruto and Shin exchanged a determined look, their unspoken agreement echoing between them. No matter the outcome, they were in this together.


Nestled in his seat right beside Sasuke, Shin couldn't help but fixate his gaze on his companion. With a sense of curiosity, he watched as Sasuke's attention remained captivated by the world outside the window. It was a captivating view that held Sasuke's focus so completely that he appeared oblivious to Shin's intermittent, furtive glances directed his way.

Though Shin assumed that his discreet observations were going unnoticed due to Sasuke's apparent preoccupation, Sasuke was keenly aware of Shin's attention without feeling the need to question or acknowledge it.

The classroom environment was momentarily interrupted as the instructor's voice sliced through the air, pronouncing the next name on the roster. "Sasuke Uchiha," the instructor's call was crisp and authoritative, grabbing everyone's attention, including Sasuke's.

Sasuke gracefully rose from his seat, a hint of determination in his posture as he prepared to fulfill whatever task lay ahead. Sensing the impending departure, Shin took the opportunity to quietly extend his support, his voice a mere breath, "Good luck."

As Sasuke commenced his walk towards the instructor, his strides purposeful and composed, he let a faint but genuine smile materialize on his lips. It was a fleeting expression, almost like a delicate wisp of emotion dancing across his features. This subtle display of positivity was not lost on Shin, who found himself momentarily frozen by the unexpected sight.

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