Chapter 4: The Memory

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Omnis listened to Sarah's rant about her dream, he had a hard time believing it. Not that it wasn't entirely unbelievable, given that seers existed. It was the fact of how she described everything, it was almost like she was an animal... "Wait, Sarah have you had dreams like this before?" He hadn't realized he asked it until it was to late. She thought on it, then nodded. "About a month ago, I remembered watching you enter the undercroft and hearing you curse in a... Tounge I couldn't understand." Her eyes went blank for a moment as she thought. "That's not right, I understand you now when you speak Parsultounge, So why couldn't I then? I've been able to ever since I made that potion, though it hasn't been permanent at first." She went quiet as Omnis twitched at that last comment. "I'll explain later, we have more pressing matters. We have to make sure that vision never happens!" She said, as she stood up swaying. "Omnis stood as she did and barely caught her as she fell back. "You stay here, I'd rather you not pass out or got to Nurse Blainly and end in in Saint Mungo's with this." He said softly, conjuring a couch and helping her to it, her as his lead. "I'll grab Anne and bring her here, she'll know how to deal with this if your vision was real." Sarah nodded and winced as she sat down onto the couch, she was glad Omnis couldn't see it. "Grab Poppy too, she knows more about magical animals than anyone. Even if you don't like it Omnis, we need all the help we can get... It's time I told all my friends about my secrets." She had added the last bit as he shot her a scathing look. Even though he was blind, she knew he was glaring at her. "I trust Poppy as much as I trust you, so I ask you to share that trust twords me... Please." He sighed in frustration, but nodded all the same. "I'll get Anne, not sure how I'll get Poppy, she's asleep in your dormatory." He stood up as Sarah pulled out her wand. Weakly she tried to cast her patronis, but nothing happened except a slivery mist shooting out of her wand. "F... I'm to weak and tired apparently...."she laid her wand arm down by her side and sat up. "I could teach you if you want, it'll get to her and make things easier." Omnis sighed as he reached out, laying her back down. His wand's pulsing sparks seemed to tell him she sat up. "Alright, it's Expecto Patronum right?" He stood up and readied himself. "Yes, but you need a very happy memory." She leaned up against the arm of the couch to prop herself up. He took a deep breath, having happy memories was hard for him given his family and origin. Yet he found one that brought a smile to his face, one that Sarah couldn't see as he faced away from her.

In the memory; he, Sebastian and Sarah were all in the undercroft, taking turns to deuling. Hearing Sarah and Sebastian go at each other, hearing the spells being ricocheted around the room. When suddenly, "Oh my god Sebastian I'm so.... Pfft hahaha!" Sarah's voice was echoing through the undercroft. Omnis used his wand to sense what was happeneing, he still sensed them both but something was off. "what, what happened?!?" He asked as he moved closer but was stopped by Sarah. "I transfigured him into a hamster." Her voice said as she bent down to pick up something. "YOU WHAT?!" Omnis shouted in both panic and annoyance. He didn't really like her at this time, but she was growing in him slowly. "Relax, here hold him for a moment." She handed him something small and soft. Reluctantly he took the small thing into his hand and chuckled. He couldn't help it, he sensed Sebastian. Both the feeling of annoyance and amusement hit him from the sense. Sarah slowly took Sebastian back and made a movement that seemed to be setting something down. "Ok, let's try changing you back yeah?" It wasn't long until he hear Sebastian. "Never, speak of this again." He said as they all laughed. It was a moment that Omnis held dear, it was like having Anne back in the undercroft again. It was the moment he started to like Sarah, and that was all he needed. "Expecto Patronum." He didn't get to see it but Sarah did. A beautiful silver owl flew out his wand and she gasped. It fit that his patronis was a bird, but she hadn't expected him to produce one so easily and fast. It took her weeks if not months to produce one. "I sense it, what do I do?" He asked as he stood there, the owl flying around him. "Tell it to tell Poppy to meet me outside the undercroft, I'll take her down here and fill her in with what she needs to know. Then I'll fill you and Anne in later, something that all of you should know..." He voice trailed off as she looked up at his face. He took a deep breath and nodded. "I trust you Sarah, I'll be back soon." He turned and headed for the entrance to the undercroft. The silver owl flying past him and off, it caused her to smile as she struggled to stand. She couldn't understand why she felt so weak, she took a step then it hit her. Omnis luckily had left in undercroft before she let out her scream, clutching her chest as she doubled over. She fell to her knees as gasps for air, the pain was intense. Like she just had the cruciatus curse cast on her again, it shouldn't be doing this. She knew that, so why was it. Unless, could it be that this is what Anne was feeling? 'No, I'm not a empath or seer!' She say up and took a deep breath, a question for Anne later. It's most likely a coincidence she felt that, it has to be that she hasn't slept in a few days till that dream. That's it, she just needs sleep. She could get that later, for now she needed to ask Poppy something and tell everyone her secret.

Sarah looked at Poppy, Omnis and Anne as she stood there Infront of them. She took a deep breath and readied herself. "I haven't told you guys about this yet, I can see traces of ancient magic and use it. The same magic that made Hogwarts, Ranrock is after this magic and after me. However I know that fight comes later, I feel it." Both Poppy and Anne covered their mouths and gasped, Omnis only said something that stunned her. "We can talk about how we can help with that later then." It caused Sarah to smile softly but she shook her head. "No, I will not..." She started but he interrupted. "I don't care, I won't risk losing a friend to a person like Ranrock." Omnis had a sturn look as his eyes gazed to Sarah's far left. "Same with us." Said Anne and Poppy together. Sarah sighed and decided to change the subject. "Anyways, the one we have ahead is Sebastian. I'm sure Omnis or myself told you about my dream and what he's doing, so I called those whome I trust to help me with this. I want to stop him, tell him the truth before he does anything really stupid." Poppy nodded and Anne sighed as she looked into her knees. "My uncle knew, but I understand why he didn't say anything. He was trying to protect us because Ranrock and Rookwood said they would kill us if he talked." Sarah nodded and smiled alittle. "Rookwood is out of the picture, all I have left is Ranrock. Rookwood sits in Azkaban as we speak." Anne looked up in awe. "Thank you Sarah, now let's hear this plan of yours."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2023 ⏰

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