chapter 1: The secret project

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Since her first week at Hogwarts. Sarah Pinewell had been working on a little project that she has always wanted to do as a child. She wanted to speak to animals, though she found that the process wasn't easy. Being a Muggle Born, she was treated second rate. She shrugged it off because she knew she was hard working and didn't really care what others thought. Sarah sighed as she finished the spell and potion she just finished creating, that was what she had hopped would let her understand animals. The potion was awful, the taste burned her throat but it was nothing to the pain she had felt by the cruciatus curse Sebastian had cast on her a 2 months ago. It was however, enough to make her sick. She managed in time to conjure a bin before vomiting into it. "F...." she started before the gate opened behind her and a familiar voice came. But she could tell a slight difference from the sound. It was more raspy than she knew. "He'll be the death of me, I swear. The dark arts aren't ment to..." The voice stopped as Sarah vomited again, she couldn't hold it back. "Who's there?!?" The voice asked. Sarah started to say something but vomited again. She sighed and smiled faintly. " It's me Ominis." She knelt onto her knees and vomited into the bin again, cursing under her breath. "You ok?" He had walked over and felt for her shoulder before kneeling next to her. "I'll be alright, just a project I'm doing went wrong I think." She sat up and sighed as the taste subsided slowly. Rather if it worked, she didn't know. She couldn't tell until leaving the Undercroft for Care of Magical creatures later. Ominis did something that surprised her, he had placed the back of his hand on her forehead and frowned. "Perhaps I should help you to the Hospital Wing Sarah, you feel a bit warm." She blushed at his touch but quickly shook her head. ", I'd rather Nurse Blainey not reprimend me on making...." She trailed off and sighed. She didn't want anyone to know what she did, let alone Ominis. But it was no use hiding it. "I made a potion that I hope will allow me to talk to ALL animals. Not just snakes, no dark magic I swear." She said looking into his eyes as a scowl appeared on his face for a moment. "But... I don't think it worked, let alone if it'll stay active..." She looked away from him as he stood up. The feeling of his anger radiating off of him. But his voice was calm as he spoke, "I... As long as you can promise me one thing Sarah?" He asked calmy. "Promise me that you will use it for good if it has. I've seen to many times where Parsuletounge has gone and been abused." She nodded and remembering that he couldn't see added. "I promise Ominis, I have no plans to abuse this. I only did it to help save the creatures and animals from Poachers." She could have sworn she saw a smile for a second on Ominis' face. But it soon faded as his head popped up to the sound of the gate opening again. Sebastian had entered aswell, and keen to keep her secret. Lied and said that he was so angry he hexed her before figuring out it was her. Threatening Sebastian if he said anything else about the Dark Arts.

A few hours after her mass bout of vomiting, Sarah made it to her class of Care of Magical Creatures. Much to her delight her potion had done it. Walking by the Kneazles she heard one say softly. "My ear itches something fierce." As it attempted to scratch its ear. Kneeling down Sarah scratched the spot the Kneazle was trying to get and it let out a soft sigh. "Oh, thank you dear." It had a slightly old lady sounding voice, And that wasn't the only one she heard. As Poppy Sweeting was holding Gerald the puffskeen in her arms, she heard him saying quietly. "I can get my tounge up her nose right about... now!!" As his tounge shot up making Poppy gasp and giggle. "Gerald, not now. I'm trying to help Sarah groom you." Sarah couldn't help but laugh. 'Hopefully this will be perminant, it'll allow me to catch more animals for the Vivarium too.' she thought as she groomed Gerald. As far as she could tell, it worked will both magical and non magical. The many cats roaming the castle grounds would hold conversations with each other. Each one more interesting than the last. Her next goal was to cast a patronis. But that was gonna take some time too. Not as long as her potion took. She had been working on that potion since she first found out she was a witch just at the begining of January. Givin the fact that she was Muggle Born, the ministry didn't pick up on her apptitude for magic until professor Fig told them. Her parents were happy to let their daughter learn magic and were ecstatic about it infact. They thought it was a really great idea to help her live her dream. Which was of course, to talk to animals and to help them when they needed it. She sat in the undercroft yet again, reading the book "Standard book of spells, grade 5" hoping that the spell would be in there. Much to her distaste, it wasn't. She did however, find it in a book professor Hecate recommended her after hearing about her trip to Azkaban. "Defence against the Darkest arts" and "The monsters manuel." One gave her the best information on Dementors, she would have to watch out in case any came her way. The other had spells she had heard of but never tried. There she found the patronis charm, the spell that she learned would take her a while to learn. "Happy thoughts" against the worlds "happieness drainer." She took a deep breath, and readied herself for her next project.

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