Part 10

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11:00 am

♫(Brazil-Declan Mckenna )

♫(me gustas tu - Manu chao)

♫(Amiga da minha Muhler - Seu Jorge)

♫(ai se eu te pego nosa nosa- The shock band )

After a quick shower that I had to inhumanly beg for from an angry Daniela and a debriefing on just how I was able to set social media alight in a night, this is where we find ourselves in my room with me dolled up to the max Daniela sitting across me with some PR lady taking notes of every word I said and recording me as well.

"Okay, but  I have a perfectly good explanation as to why I had been to those places".

"Honey do you think people care for an explanation are you seeing this?".

She handed me a magazine, a iPad and her phone that had tweets, blogs and headlines that frankly left a bad taste in my mouth.

"This is sensationalism I hope you know that!" I had agrued

"Ok, ok maybe it is because your new to this whole thing so i'll excuse your stupidity for a second but you do reliaze this has sort of tarnished your repetuataion right?".

" Wait a minute I think we can relax with the whole tarnishing of reputation thing I mean come on it's not like  I went streaking or did drugs or worse ran over someone ."

"Ah yes, instead you have the reputation of being a loose goosey "

the lady with that note pad spoke from quietly typing something.

" Firstly I will not allow anyone to  shame me for my non existent sex life and secondly that is absoulty disrespectful and you should never utter that again and thirdly I did not sleep with anyone in case I have not shouted that out enough."

Danila held her forehead

" fine I'll believe you, but with these photos I mean it truly looks like your two timing."

"Yes, emphasis on looks ugh".  I stood up frustratingly huffing trying to wrap my head around how this happened.

"The photos that whatever creepy person took of me entering and leaving Leon's home doesn't even know the context ".

I had stoped pacing and looked at Daniela who could now be seen softening up and you could almost see a tinge of sympathy in her eyes.

"Fine, fine we are here to get context and set things straight before people put straight up fuel into the fire, I am not upset at you I am meerly upset at the fact that we made it clear we were not going to profit off your love life and Miss Gentia made us promise not to do so too, it's also a very sensitive time with all  that's going on with her so excuse us for being hard on you child ,we are just under a lot of pressure and anything can make our little façade the company is trying to pull off crumble you understand ? ."

she was actually being senseire " you're right on my part I should have been more careful and really calculated, but just know I really did try, I wasn't trying to be reckless or try to have my suppose

"love life" in the center of things". With the appologies out the way came explaining myself

You see much earlier when I was handed the  photographs it had been photographs of me at 3:00 am  waiting outside by Leon's house in my pyjama-shorts and little black jacket  and of course Leon emerging out shirtless, then on top of that had been a photo of me leaving at five am in a completely different outfit from Leon's home the same day .

Ah and then there had been a photo  of Gabriel meeting me outside my writing class with flowers cut to another photo of us on the yacht kissing and holding each other fondly .

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