I Will Always Love You

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Seeing nothing but darkness, All For One then heard a sweet and warm voice.


"Hisashi, it's time to wake up."

From hearing that, All For One opens his eyes and sees Inko kneeling by his bedside with sunlight shining on her face from the window.

~All For One~

"Inko, I thought I died and gone to heaven."


"Why do you say that?"

~All For One~

"Because you look like an angel."

Inko chuckles from hearing this, looking back at All For One, she smiles.


"You always know what to say to make me smile, now get up and get ready, I don't want you to be late for work."

~All For One~

"As you wish my love."

So as Inko left the room, All For One got up from bed and began changing into a suit, minutes later he came out of the room and made his way over to the dining room where he saw Inko feeding Izuku who was sitting on a high chair, making his way over to them, he then gave them both a good morning kiss, after that he sat down and had breakfast with his family, minutes later after having breakfast, All For One made his way over to the front door where he then took his hat and coat off of the hangers and place them on, while doing so he heard Inko.


"Come on Izuku, say bye-bye to Daddy."

From hearing this he looks over his shoulder and see Inko holding Izuku in her arms as she also hold his little left hand so he could wave over at All For One, seeing this he smiles as he then raises his hand and waves back at Izuku and Inko.

~All For One~


With that said he looked away as he then walked over to the door which he then opened, but instead of seeing the outside he saw his enemy.

~All Might~


Screaming that out, All Might's giant fist bursted through All For One's head, suddenly after that, All For One gasped as he sat up and began breathing heavily, but as he did this all he saw was nothing but darkness.

~Dr. Garaki~

"Master!, You're awake."

~All For One~

"D-doctor?, Where am I?, What happened?, Why can't I see."

~Dr. Garaki~

"Master, do you not remember?"

~All For One~

"Remember what?"

~Dr. Garaki~

"Your fight with All Might."

As Dr. Garaki said that, All For One begin remembering everything that happened especially that fight he had with All Might which ended with a blow to One For All's head.

~One For All~

"I remember now, All Might and I were fighting one another until... Until... For some reason I can't remember what happened next."

~Dr. Garaki~

"Well that's because you died, Master."

~All For One~

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