The Very Day I Met You

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Sometime long ago when people begin getting quirks, the age of Heroes begin but so did the age of villains as well, but throughout all the villains there was one man that every hero and villain feared, and that man was All For One, a person who is able to to steal and give quirks if he wishes, with every villain knowing his power they begin following him as their leader, but one day he gave his own brother a quirk which he didn't know was going to be his future downfall.

~Many years later~

As so many years have passed now, All For One has secretly went into hiding due to a new hero named All Might who was looking for him in each part of Japan, but one day All Might suddenly left the country to head to the United States, but even from this All For One wasn't going to cause mayhem in Japan since he knew that All Might will come back rushing without a second thought, so he waited for the day that he will return from the shadows, as days passed All For One begin getting quite bored, as he was sitting down on a leather chair he looked through the window and saw the people walking the streets.

~All For One~

"All those people walking and living their lives, not knowing who is looking down on them."

As he continued looking at the people, he couldn't help but to feel a little envious of them for a living such a normal life, so wanting to know how it felt just to walk around with the people, he got it from his chair and walked over to the elevator which he then entered pressed a button which begin to descend the elevator downwards, once the elevator reached the bottom he walked out of the open doors and headed to the front doors which he then walked out of, as he was finally outside, he noticed that the people walking the streets weren't even looking at him, not even giving him a single glance, which he quite enjoyed, so he went ahead and walked into the crowd of people and began walking amongst them like he was one of them.

~All For One's mind~

"Hmm, I cannot believe I was envious of this, this is truly nothing compared what I can do, but I can admit it is a bit relaxing."

So as All For One continued walking, he didn't know he was walking farther and farther from the building he was in, eventually he stopped walking through the sidewalk and entered a park where he continued, while walking through the park he noticed it wasn't quite compared to the sidewalk which is filled with people talking on their phones, as he walked through the park he began to notice people that were there, amongst the people he was noticing though were families.

~All For One's mind~

"Families, what a waste of time, falling in Love, reproducing, and even having your own spawn, it's nothing but a big waste of time."

Eventually while walking through the park he soon reached the other end, which event stepped out of the park and onto the sidewalk which wasn't as crowded compared to the one he was on, but while walking he noticed the clouds above and knew right away it was, so he puts his right hand into his jacket where he then uses one of his quirks to make an umbrella appear in his very hand, after doing so he takes the umbrella out of his jacket and grabs it by its handle which you didn't opens, from doing so the people began to look at him strangely but as they were doing so rain suddenly begin falling which made the people put their suitcases or jackets over their heads to get covered from the rain, seeing them do this One For All smirked as he lets out a small chuckle.

~All For One~

"Mother nature an unpredictable thing, hehe."

So as All For One continue walking ahead, he smirked at the people who were getting drenched by the rain, shortly he reached a crosswalk and pressed the button on the light pole, as he waited there he suddenly heard a pair of heels running right towards him, as he glanced over his towards right he saw a woman that was covering her head with a folder, she soon stopped running once she made it at the crosswalk, as she stood right next to All For One, he didn't know that he was looking at her.

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