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- Excuse any mistakes

𝘑𝘢𝘤𝘬𝘴𝘰𝘯𝘷𝘪𝘭𝘭𝘦, 𝘍𝘭𝘰𝘳𝘪𝘥𝘢

Soriah stood with her hands tucked in her puffer coat pocket while she waited for the door in front of her to be opened.

She stood and waited for a while, up until the large front door opened and revealed a tired-looking Mari. Her eyes were red, and her hair wasn't the best looking at the moment.

She looked out of it, and considering her circumstances Soriah understood.

"Hey," Soriah smiled before she immediately pulled Mari into a long hug.

"Hey," Mari mumbled just as the two pulled away from the hug and Mari let Soriah walk in.

"Is your mom here ?" Soria asked, expecting to see Mari's mom so she could speak to her.

"Nope. She's been going and going ever since she found out the news, I've never seen her be so busy" Mari sniffled.

"Mm. I kinda wanted to speak to her" Soriah told her sd the two sat down on the couch beside one another.

"Yeah, a lot of people have. Kinda weird to me how she just won't sit down."

"Everyone handles grief differently Mari. All this shit is new to us, we've never lost people this close to us. Maybe this is just how she handles it" Soriah said.

"Yeah, I guess" Mari shrugged her shoulders before the two went quiet for only a moment.

"um," Mari cleared her throat. "I'm sorry I wasn't there for
Amaya's funeral. I just couldn't—"

"I know. I barely made it too" Soriah huffed.

"And if you think it's because of all the shit me and her had to go on it's not."

"I and she had our problems but she was my best friend, even if the shit wasn't reciprocated with me or any of us for that matter" Mari sighed.

"What do you mean? You don't think she thought you were her best friend ?" Soriah asked confused about what Mari was saying or trying to say.

"I don't know what Amaya thought, but by her last words to me, it seems like I wasn't. And to be honest Soriah neither were you" Mari broke eye contact with Soriah.

"Well, what did she say?" Soriah tilted her head.

Mari shook her head, "forget it Soriah. I mean does it matter now? She's dead" Mari shrugged her shoulders.

"I mean you can't just say things like that and expect me to just fogey it Mari." Soriah laughed awkwardly in confusion.

"Like I said she's dead, so forget it"

Soria confusingly jerked her head back. With everything going on, she was confused as to why nobody was truly saying what they felt.

She came over here about Teek and it is now about Amaya and Amaya's friendship with them. Which she didn't want to speak on, but now that it was brought she was curious to know everything that she didn't.


Soriah pulled up in her parent's driveway and switched off her car as she did. She grabbed her overnight back from the back seat of her car.

After she left Mari's she stopped by Kai's house and got some of her things. Her parents wanted her to be close to them considering Amaya's murder.

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