Chapter 32 | A Sky Full of Stars

Começar do início

"What does that have to do with anything?"

"Don't act all innocent Ty, you know exactly why."

He stepped closer and I found myself leaning against the vending machine.

"Humour me then." I swallowed a lump in my throat and stared at Tyler's sky-blue eyes. I turned away, not able to handle the intensity.

"This is a mistake." I walked away and went to the room.


"Finally!" Dylan stretched as we got out of the car. Due to exhaustion, everyone went to sleep, everyone besides me, that it. All I could think about was my blue-eyed devil. I helped carry the equipment to the place we were setting up.

"Hey, aren't you hot?" Daniel asked innocently and the others looked at me as if waiting for my answer.

"Um, n-no I'm fine, just soaking up the warmth." I walked past them silently cursing myself for my stupidity.

Two hours later and everyone is done setting up.

"Who wants to hit the lake with me?" Ethan asked, coming out in nothing but swim trunks. Tessa turned red.

"I'm down."

"Let's go."

They all agreed and looked at me.

"I didn't bring swimwear, sorry."

"Oh that's fine, I brought extra, it's new so u can keep it." Ali went into the tent and came out with a one-piece with cuts on the side.

"Oh uh, you know I'm not feeling too hot, I think I'll just stay here."

"Want me to stay with you?" Daniel offered but I refused.

"I'll stay," Tyler announced.

"No Tyler it's really not necessary."

"Ella, the difference between this quarterback and me is that I'm not asking when it involves your health." With that, he turned around and went into my tent.

"I think I'll stay too." Daniel flipped his towel over his shoulder and went inside his tent. I blew out a large breath and teetered on my feet. "Well, you guys have fun," I stated in a clear dismissal. I didn't want my friend near the line of fire.

They got the hint and walked off leaving me staring at the tents. I sighed, entered my tent, and was met with an expectant-looking Tyler, one arm behind his head and the other hanging loosely at his side.

"Hey. Thanks, I guess."

He simply looked at me before turning away. "I'm kind of tired, I'm just gonna take a nap."


"Wakey wakey love birds, it's food time!"

I groaned and saw a blurry image of Ethan. "What time is it?"

"7 pm."

"I've been sleeping for six hours? How long were you guys gone for?"

"Oh we came back a while ago but we didn't wanna disturb you guys."

I turned and saw Tyler looking at me groggily, then I noticed our position. One of my legs was in between his and I was lying on his chest. I shot up and felt dizzy.

"Hey is your eye okay? It looks kind of swollen."

"Oh, yeah no it's fine don't worry about it."

I excused myself and exited the tent, seeing Dylan manning the BBQ.

"Hey, what's up?"

"Well hello there sleepy head, enjoy that nap?" He teased with a suggestive smirk.

"Shut up."

Undeniable ChemistryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora