The Last Supper.

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       It was a seasonable almost gorgeous Autumm day. Four men were around a table clenching hands, leaning over an altar. "Thank you for this blessed day, Manson. It is for you have brought our amazing day." The oldest gentleman at the table spoke, he seemed to be around 40.  "Amen." All of the men at the table chanted, but particularly there seemed to be one person there that didn't seem as happy to be there, yet he was half as cruel. Draco stood up; the teenager was the youngest of the cult. He was only 16 years old. Draco stood up walking over to his father who was also a part of this cult, his father, was named Justin. "Father, why must we continue this?" Draco questioned his father with immense strength. "Well, you can't judge the lords work now can you, BOY?" 

  "No father," Draco replied quickly. He instantly backed down as he walked to his bedroom in the manor. Meanwhile, there was a letter that was sent to the police by the cult..along with the letter there was a box which contained a person's ear. 

"What in the holy hell is this?" A cop questioned, as he looked at his colleague. "Well David, I would believe that would be an ear!" Stan hollered, one of the cops' colleagues. "Well, no fucking shit, I can see that." David replied as the ear was sent off for inspection, as they started to decode the letter.

At the Manor, Draco was murmuring to the mirror. "I don't have to be like them, so why am I here?" He'd talk to himself, as he pushed his red hair to the side. Shifting up his black glasses. "Tomorrow, I must escape." The teenager grew up here, but he no longer wanted to be here..he thought the activites were insane and strange. As he moved his plague doctor mask, and he looked at his chapped lips. "Tomorrow..I will be a man."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10 ⏰

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