Twenty Six | Trust Issues

Start from the beginning

"I detest even the thought of love!", I snapped back.

"Who are you fooling if not yourself?! The only Prince of Darkness thing you have done to her is marry her forcefully! You haven't even touched her, you left the throne for her, and I know if needed you might just sacrifice your life for her!", Santosh said sighing.

I fell silent.
"Love doesn't end well for me.", I said finally.

"Anamika was never your love.", Santosh said looking at me keenly, "You were forced to marry her. You never liked who she was. A woman who saw nothing beyond her palace pleasures and jewellery. You did all you could to keep her happy but that doesn't make her your lover."

Santosh paused as I looked at him.
I didn't have the will to deny his claims. They weren't exactly wrong.

"Just the way your father never loved your mother, Your Highness.", He said finally,
"And from what I have seen and known, neither of them ever loved you."

I drew in a sharp breath and stood up.

"I need to check on my Kolkata office. Vinay has messed it up really bad with the Singha Roy deal. I am leaving.", I said immediately.

"You can't keep running from your destiny. She met you at the hour of soulmates. She is your soulmate.", He said.

It pricked.
My heart didn't find the will to trust again.

Maybe I didn't love Anamika, but I trusted her.
And probably no number of lifetimes would to enough to rebuild my trust.

I strode out of the study.

I went straight to my car which was already parked.
Still battling with my thoughts, I climbed into the car.

"Airport.", I said shutting the door.

Just then the door of the other side opened.
I turned to look at Devika getting in, now in a plain saree clad over her clearly visible blue denims and white casual shirt. On the front seat Nayantara got in wearing the exact same dress.

"What the hell—"

"Language, Papa.", Nayantara said giggling.
Devika high fived her grinning away.

The driver looked strictly at the road before him as he turned the car on.

"What is going on now?", I asked with narrowed eyes.

"Look Mister Raghuvanshi, we know you are going to Kolkata and we know the famed Durga Puja starts right after two days so we are going for a fun time.", Devika said removing the saree.

"I am sorry girls, but I am going for work—"

"No one asked you to join us for the enjoyment, Dad. We know you are a bore.", Nayantara said grinning.

"What?! Am I being told you both will travel alone? Please—"

"Don't be a misogynistic dominating hubby, Raja ji.", Devika said dramatically.

I drew in a sharp breath.
She had her hair tied up in a neat pony tail and with the dark red lipstick, she looked ravishing.

It was extremely difficult to not get enchanted by her looks.
But anyways.

The driver started the car on Nayantara's insistence.

"Both of you need to stop being stupid!", I said half annoyed now.

Devika and Nayantara looked at me with narrowed eyes.
And then together said "Huh!", and turned their faces away.


"You called us stupid Dad. We will never talk to you.", Nayantara said looking out of the window.

"We are very hurt.", Devika added, looking out of the window, sitting right beside me.

"Now both of you are in the same team?", I asked crossing my hands before me, with a raised brow.

"Oh yes.", Devika said finally looking at me with narrowed eyes.
"Maa and I are in the same team. We thought we'll let you join our team but you are a meany cat!", Nayantara said with narrow eyes as well.

It was impossible to say that these two were not related and were busy hating each other a few weeks back.

"Okay fine.. I am sorry.", I said sighing.

Devika immediately turned towards me with a beautiful smile.
She placed her hand on mine.

"It's a family trip, Ram. Just you, me and our daughter.", She whispered.

I gulped nervously.

A family trip?
I had never been on one in my whole life. The maximum distance I had travelled with family was till the temple.

I nodded nonetheless, realising it didn't matter anymore.
Ladies were going to have their own way.

I looked straight, while Nayantara busily adjusted the radio station.

Just then I felt Devika's soft lips touch my cheek.
It was within a fraction of seconds.
She kissed my cheek and edged away.

My heart skipped a beat.
I looked at her, startled.

"You're looking good.", She said, looking at me. I could see the redness of her cheeks, but she did not shy away.

She was unsure this morning, but now, she seemed pretty sorted with her thoughts.

I could do nothing except smile, feeling things I didn't want to.

"Oops.. the lipstick..", She said biting her tongue, like a cutie.

Did I just call her cutie? I am definitely losing my mind.

"No.. don't wipe it off. At least until we get to the airport.", I said immediately.
She looked at me momentarily.

She glanced at Nayantara who was too busy to notice anything, and then edged closer.

Lowering her voice to a whisper, she said,
"If you were.. in love.. I would be the happiest."

I looked at her, taken aback, but feeling a gush of the happy hormones.

To trust or not to trust?


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