Chapter 1

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Monday (sal's pov)

I wake up, my head spins for a minute as I remember the events of the weekend. Larry insisted we get stoned out of our mind for the whole weekend and I was starting to regret it now. After some fighting to get out of bed the realisation hits me, school. I check the clock next to my bed. It's 1pm, no way I'm gonna get to school now. Loudly I draw out a sigh and fall back onto my bed looking at the peeling paint of the cream ceiling, I really had to get my dad to fix that. I inhaled heavily accidentally breathing in the smell of pot that was left over by Larry. "Ugh" I thought, I'm gonna have to clean before my dad comes in here and finds us out, again. The first time dad found me and Larry stoned together was when Lisa first moved in. He had come into my bedroom to tell us that dinner was ready and found us lying face down on the floor mumbling about how we would react if the world got taken over by aliens then we started speaking in this weird alien gibberish that Larry had made up two months prior, needless to say me and Larry were grounded for a long time after that.

I finally got out of bed and texted Larry to come up to the apartment because I was not cleaning by myself. Despite Lisa moving in with me and dad, Larry likes to stay in the basement sometimes, he says having all the room is nice and he's totally remodelled the place into his own personal man cave. It's sick! Sometimes me and Larry throw parties down there but we only invite the main gang and sometimes they don't all come. Maybe I should talk to Larry about planning a massive party, one where we invite the whole school. That would be so sick! We could possibly meet new people. While in this thought I get to work picking up dirty jeans and t-shirts and throwing them into my laundry basket, I give the clothes a sniff test before I make my decision on what pile they go in. While I'm in the middle of folding clean shirts I hear a knock, probably Larry, I ditch the shirt I was folding and rush to the front door unlocking it with my key that has like a million key chains on it.

"Larry face!" I cheer "Sally face" he says back in the exact tone, "dude come help me with my room you left it a complete mess yesterday! I've already done all the heavy lifting, basically" I flex my arm to further my point. He laughs and walks past me to my room humming the newest sanity's falls song. I quickly lock the door and follow him. "Dude it isn't even that bad" Larry says throwing himself onto my bed, "Duh, yeah dude I told you I already done all the big stuff" Larry shrugs and pulls a joint out of his pocket "want a hit?" He says lighting it up "sure" I'll do the rest of my room later. It's already pretty clean, there are only a few socks and shirts on the floor but at least I can see the floor. Larry takes a drag of his joint and blows the smoke out with practised ease, he offers it to me and I take it, and move my hand to unbuckle my prosthetic. When I don't feel the buckle I panic a bit, Larry notices, "Hey Sal are you okay?" He says with a worried tone, then he realises what I'm trying to do, "Sal dude you didn't have it on when I came in it's fine! I've seen you without your prosthetic thousands of times" he says trying to calm me down. I take a deep breath and spot my prosthetic on the bed side table. I sigh and then finally take a hit sputtering out a cough.

The rest of the night is a blur but I remember telling Larry about my party idea and him saying something along the lines of, "Oh yeah dude that would be dope I can get us a bunch of dope and drink for it, it's gonna be off the hook" then I passed out.

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