ᕯ eighteen ᕯ

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august 14th, 2018

The summer hits tour was over and Millie was currently in an interview with Jesy and Leigh as Jade was ill. They were doing the whisper challenge with Jimmy Fallon and it was Mia's turn. The original plan was for Mia to fly out to Hungry to spend the month with Charles but in the middle of August, she was scheduled for throat surgery, so she had to stay in London. 

"Okay," Jimmy was saying as he handed Millie a set of headphones. "Everyone has had their turn, not it's your go Millie." Millie nodded as she grabbed the headphones and looked at Jimmy. "We'll each say a sentence, and you have to guess what we say. Jesy and Leigh only got one so if you can get two, you're the winner."

"I'm going to destroy both of you," the younger girl said as she chuckled as the audience laughed. She then turned to Jimmy. "Do they play music?"

"They can if you want," he said as Millie grinned as Jimmy nodded. "Alright, what would you like?"

"I'm happy with anything," she said shrugging as Jimmy grinned. 

"Alright, it should be set up," he said, "put them on and let us know if you can hear us speaking."

Millie nodded and put the headphones over her pierced ears where she heard nothing but the music playing. 

"Millie?" Jimmy called, "can you hear us?"

"We were jet-set, Bonnie and Clyde," the blonde sang as everyone laughed, "until I switched to the other side, to the other side. It's no surprise I turned you in, cause us traitors never win!"

"Okay, she can't hear us," Jimmy laughed as Millie was mouthing along to the music and having a mini dance party. He tapped Millie on the arm and she turned to him with a smile. He gave her a thumbs up and she nodded. 

"Alright," he said as Millie looked at him and nodded. "Little Mix forever." Millie furrowed her eyebrows. 

"Again," she said, staring at him. 

"Little. Mix. Forever," he said slowly as she furrowed her eyebrows.

"I want to suck a dick?" she asked as everyone burst out laughing. "No?" Jimmy shook his head, his eyes watering from laughing too hard. "Okay, try again."

"Little," he said as Millie furrowed her eyebrows. "Little."

"L-Little?" she asked as everyone burst into applause. 

"Mix," he said as Millie grinned.

"Mix!" she laughed.

"Forever," he said as she furrowed her eyebrows. "Forever."

"Heather?" she asked confused as everyone laughed.

"For-ever," Jimmy said slowly as Millie's eyes lit up. 

"Forever!" she said, beaming. "Little Mix forever!" 

"Yes!" Jimmy laughed as Millie clapped her hands. She turned to Jesy who grinned. 

"Colourful rainbows," she said as Millie looked at her like she was insane. 

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