I don't care.

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I made a lil change so Mackenzie isn't gonna play the bully she's gonna play Beth's girlfriend. But is she still a bully?

Btw the quadruplets share one room that might be an important detail.

We shared the bedroom ever since their parents died in a boat accident

Йой! Нажаль, це зображення не відповідає нашим правилам. Щоб продовжити публікацію, будь ласка, видаліть його або завантажте інше.

We shared the bedroom ever since their parents died in a boat accident.(rip Jimmy and Mary-lou)
Some people say it's childish for 4 sixteen year olds to share a room but we didn't care.

I walked into school with my brothers by my side. So many people were watching us. We didn't know why. My locker is pretty far from my brothers lockers so I said that once I got my books and stuff I'd walk to their lockers which were pretty much next to each other. We had Math first together. That was the only lesson I had with all 3. As I closed my locker I saw Mackenzie walking up to me. She looked mad. Shit.
"H-hey Macken-" I was cut off by her grabbing my wrist and dragging me to the bathroom.
When we got in there she checked nobody was there and then basically locked the door with a broom under the handle.
"What hap-"
"YOU TELL ME WHAT HAPPENED BETHANY!" She yelled, getting closer to me.
I backed up slowly, still confused.
"I- I um, I don't know." I replied.
"I don't know. I didn't do anything I swear." I was sweating in fear.
She walked quickly up to me until I couldn't go further back. I had made it to the wall.
I already had bruises all over my legs from last time she hurt me.
She punched me in the arm hard,which was soon turned into her repeatedly hitting my arms.
I slid down the wall, using my arms as a shield in an x shape, protecting my face.
After she hadn't stopped for a minute and a half, I tried to back away to a corner of something. Just away from her.
I regretted it instantly. All that did was make her angrier. She pinned me to the floor, punching my stomach over and over and over. I cried in pain. I wanted my brothers. She lifted up my sleeves and cut my arms with her super sharp nails.
Once she'd finished hurting me she wiped my tears and made it look like I hadn't been crying. I rolled my sleeves down. I was shaking.
"Don't say anything otherwise I will literally kill you. Put a smile on your face and don't say anything to your brothers about what just happened."
I nodded quickly as I stood up. As we left the bathroom she headed the opposite direction meaning I could see my brothers alone. I sprinted to them because I didn't want them to worry about how long I took. As I approached them their smiles dropped.
"What took you so long and why are you running."
"Oh I was talking to McKenzie and I lost track of time so I started running so that I didn't miss class." I lied.
They knew that McKenzie was my girlfriend, what they didn't know was that she has abused me for 5 months out of 6 months of dating. I wasn't allowed to break up with her otherwise she would get a bunch of people to kill me when my brothers aren't around.
She made me hate my life. But my brothers made me too happy for me to ever take my life.
We ran into maths and it was so boring.
I got anxious about lying to my brothers about what happened. I raised my hand.
"Yes, Beth?"
"Can I go to the bathroom please?" I asked.
He huffed.
"No Beth you can wait another 20 minutes."
My anger took over.
"No I can't otherwise I wouldn't have asked, dumbass."
"Did you just talk back to me?"
"Oh so you can fucking hear after all?" I responded.
"Get my name out ur mouth u sad hippo looking bitch."
I stood up and walked towards the grey door about to leave, but I glanced at my 3 brothers, who seemed to look disappointed. Even Nick. What? Usually they would've supported me for sticking up for myself.
I rolled my eyes slightly as I left the room.
I dont care.
I don't care anymore.

Author speakss~

I'm so sorry for the short chapter but there will be more chapters to come about this and I already have the best ideas so stay tuned and get readyy

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