not safe.

491 7 6

I woke up with my brothers in their own beds. They were all awake, discussing something. I pretended to be asleep so that I could eavesdrop.
"I have Spanish and math with her."
"I have English and math with her."
"I've got art and Spanish with her."
"And we all share homeroom, we can keep her safe."
They were talking about how to keep me safe from McKenzie.
I 'woke up' and they all looked at me once they'd detected movement.
"Hey Beth." They said in sync.
"Hi." I said in my morning voice. I sat up and grabbed my phone it said that it was 7:06am. We had to be in school for 8:00.
I sighed as I grabbed an outfit. My brothers left the room so I changed.

This is the outfit I wore.

I brushed my teeth and checked YouTube.
Holy shit.
2.8 MILLION VIEWS?? Our video blew up! No wonder everyone was looking at us yesterday.
I ran to my brothers with my toothbrush still in my mouth.
"GUYS!" I yelled in excitement with my toothbrush now in my hand.
Nick jumped which made us laugh.
They nodded.
"LOOK AT THIS!" I said, shoving my phone in their face.
We all screamed in excitement and occasionally threw in words of excitement.
After a couple hugs and congratulating ourselfs we got ready to go to school. I sat in the back with Nick, I was so nervous. I wasn't scared yesterday but I was thinking of a thousand scenarios per second.

What if she pulled me too quick for my brothers to help.

What if she hits me in front of everyone.

What if one day when my brothers aren't there she uses this moment against me and hurts me more?

My leg was bouncing as I fiddled with my hands. I started scratching my hand because of how anxious I was. Nick grabbed my hand so that I couldn't hurt myself. I shot him a small smile, receiving one in return.

Once we arrived at school I had to wait for my brothers to get their stuff from their lockers as they wanted to go to my locker with me. I just agreed. People were still looking at us.
I saw McKenzie heading my way and when she saw my brothers with me her face showed pure anger.
She continued walking towards me, still annoyed. My heart beat got faster but it slowed down again when I realized I had my brothers.
My brothers were looking in my locker for a book I couldn't find. I nudged Nick slightly, causing him to look up at McKenzie walking out way.
He tapped Chris and Matt, still looking her way.
I backed up so that I was closer to Nick.
When she saw my brothers looking her way she took her angry face off and replaced it with a smile. She walked up to me and I took a step back.
"Can I talk to you?" She asked with a smile so that my brothers didn't notice.
"Go ahead." I replied without stuttering for once.
She scoffed quietly.
"Okay, can I talk to you in private."
I didn't know what to say. I knew if I said yes then she would hurt me but I knew if  I said no she would be pretty mad. I stayed silent.
"She can't right now we're in a bit of a hurry." Matt said for me.
She looked up at Matt with a smile.
"Okay." She nodded in a friendly tone.
"I'll be back." She whispered into my ear. But my brothers didn't notice.
She walked off and I let out a sigh of relief. I closed my locker and headed to homeroom with my brothers. She was infact back. Right after homeroom me and Chris had art together so he followed me to my locker. He was talking to me about some random stuff I don't even remember he was so concentrated on his conversation he didn't even realize that McKenzie was approaching me with 2 other guys. They looked our age but they were clearly stronger than us. They had muscles and were taller. I was intimidated and so was Chris. He called for our other brothers who were kinda far but we could see them. As he turned his head to yell for them I watched Kenzie say something to them but it was too quiet for me to hear. The two boys approached me and I think they tried to pick me up. I sprinted down the hall, I probably bumped into like 9 people but I didn't care, I needed to run.
I caught my brothers attentions and they ran after me. I ran round a small corner and hid. I sunk to the floor, trying to catch my breath. My brothers came round the corner with me and helped me  breathe. I hated school because of Kenzie.
They took me home, I clearly couldn't be here. I wasn't safe.

Author speakss~

Ik this is a really short chapter but I'm writing one later and I have a good idea so I hope u enjoyedd

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