don't you dare hide your pain from me !

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Ziya immediately took Alanur between his arms and hugged her tight ... Alanur, with the little force she had, she slowly raised her arm and wrapped it around his back ... She smiled hardly as tears were falling on her pale face...

" I told you before... I told you that I'll stick to your throat even in the other side ...  " Alanur said with a smile...

Ziya laughed, breaking the hug, and looked at his beloved's face ...

" Even at this state, your sense of humor is at top..." Ziya commented

" What should I do !? I just kicked that blady tumor out of my head and my brain is celebrating..." Alanur replied...

" Let us just get out of here as soon as possible, and we will celebrate for the rest of our life with our children! ..." ziya added, smiling at his love

In the evening...

The nurse brought the dinner for Alanur but she refused to eat it...

" I'll take care of it ... " Ziya took the plate from the nurse and she left the room ...

" My dear, you need to eat to strengthen yourself... " Ziya said gently...

" But I don't want it, Ziya ... " Alanur with tired voice ...

" Even if it was Kety the cooker ?... " Ziya added as he brought up the box that was on the table ...

" What !? ... " Alanur reacted, shocked...

" I hope you're kidding, Ziya ! What the hell is she doing here ?! ... " Alanur added as she tried to sit ...

" Careful !! ... " Ziya yelled as he run to help her ...

" Alanur, calm down.. She's here for you , she couldn't stand it anymore as she considers you as her sister her whole family... " Ziya explained calmly ...

" I just don't understand why all this is happening to me ! ... " Alanur sighed...

" What do you mean, my dear  ? ... " Ziya asked clueless...

" I don't understand why when I try to stay close to the people I love they always run away from me ... and when I try to stay away from them they get close to me ... this life is real stranger thing ! ... " Alanur expressed..

" Don't overthink, my dear ... everything is going to be fine, and as I told you before, I'm not leaving your side never again... and now I want to see your smile and admire those dimples... " Ziya said, stroking Alanur's cheek...

Ziya was feeding Alanur gently... but she stopped him for a second...

" How about you, my dear ?! ... now it's my turn to feed you .... " Alanur declared as she took the spoon from his hand ...

" I see that you recovered fast, Mrs.Alanur, that you want to take care of me and feed me too ? ... " Ziya smiled at her

" No excuses Mr.karli okay!? ... " Alanur smiled back to him and immediately put the spoon inside his mouth ...

Two days later...

Alanur was finally able to get out of the hospital... but still, she needs to rest and keep her mind out of all the problems and worries, and she needs to do the checkup every two weeks to make sure that everything is fine...
The nurse was helping Alanur to get dressed. She was still tired and weak, not able to walk without someone's help ... but she has great hope and energy for the second chance she got in this life she needs to enjoy it this time ! ...

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