You're the heart now !

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They arrived at the house ...

Ziya was the first who got out of the car he opened the car door for Alanur and gently offered his hand to her... she smiled at him and held his hand and went out of the car ...

Alanur: Thank you, my life... Alanur smiled to him

Ziya : Most welcome, benim kalbimin sultana ( the queen of my heart )...

Alanur strared at him, shocked and smiled..

Alanur : Bomba, I loved it ....

They entered the house together... they were so happy and especially Alanur this house was their dream house ...

Alanur: Ziya !!! It's like we want it to be years ago ! How could you do that! ... Alanur hugged him excitedly..

Ziya : Did you like that ?

Alanur: Are you kidding? I loved it ! ... they hugged each other and went inside to rest ...

One week later..

Alanur's operation was planned and done... it's been a week since the operation, and Alanur didn't regain consciousness yet .. Ziya was so worried he tried to stay positive, but he got helpless whenever he saw his love laying lifeless in the ICU ...

The doctor came to check on Alanur's condition... and Ziya was waiting until the doctor came out...

Ziya : How's she doing? ... Ziya asked, concerned...

Doctor: There's progress...

Ziya : You have been saying this for the entire week, but actually, there's no progress! Alanur has been laying here lifeless, and you're not doing anything to make her wake up... ziya blamed the doctor angrily...

Doctor: look Mr.Karli we understand your fear, but we already did our best now it depends on Alanur and how much she wants to hold on to life ! ... the doctor explained...

Ziya : Alanur is the strongest woman I have ever known she won't give up easily...

Doctor: I'm certain of that. You need to stay positive Mr.Karli ...

Ziya :I'll try .. may I see her only for five minutes, please? ...

Doctor: Well, I think sometimes the medicine developments won't have a good effect on the patients as much as their loved ones ... the doctor smiled...

Ziya : Thank you, doctor! ... he smiled....

After ziya wears the hospital suit for protection, he enters the ICU room...

Ziya entered the ICU room ... with every step he makes towards her bed, his heart beats faster and feels more helpless and powerless... Alanur is everything for him his only strength and weakness... Ziya grabbed a chair and sat next to her... he gently holds her cold hand and places a warm kiss on it ...

Ziya : " Benim ( my ) Alanur, my love , benim kalbimin sultana ( the
queen of my heart) .... You're the strongest woman I have ever known...
you have always had faith in us when nobody did even me ... you used to say that I'm a coward, always afraid to take a step forward... I already told you that if I take one step towards you, I won't be able to get backward... but now I'm ready to do .. I'm ready to fight the world for you for us to be together ....and when finally I'm going to do it, you're running away?! you're giving up! Come on, Alanur, get up ! Open your breath-taking sea eyes and let me fall in love with them again ... I'm not letting you go ... I won't ... " ziya said, tearing...

Suddenly, the heart monitor started to beep. There's a danger to Alanur's life ! The doctors entered the room in a hurry and started trying to save Alanur and get her back to life ....

" Can someone explain to me what's happening to Alanur!?..." Ziya yelled, worried...

" Mr.karli would you please get out of the room and let us do our job ! ... " Doctor yelled back

" I'm not leaving anywhere, I promised to be with her ... " Ziya yelled

" But now Mr.Karli she doesn't need you she needs us ! She needs our help! " Another doctor interrupted...

" Alanur yapma (don't do it ! ) ...yapma ( don't do it !)... beni bırakma ( don't leave me! ) .... " Ziya said, holding Alanur's hand ...

" Sir, please!! Her blood pressure is getting worse ! Also Her heartbeats !! Unfortunately you are helping..." The doctor said worried again...

" No, wait ! Actually, it's working! Don't stop Ziya. Keep going she's responding! ..." Selma said, checking the monitor...

" Alanur, you need to fight ! You need to fight for me , for us , for our daughter, I won't let you go away, come on, fight back Alanur! You need to run to the bright side, my dear.. come on, Alanur, come back ... " ziya said, holding Alanur's hand..

" The blood pressure is increasing! Also, the heartbeats..." The doctor informed...

" Mr.Karli don't stop. Keep going she's responding to you! Don't stop she's hearing us ! She's hearing you she just to find you , she needs to find a good memory and hide on it or rather holds on to it ! Come on, remind her of her best memory, a memory she was the happiest .. a moment you were together ... You're the heart now ! ..." Selma said it all at once...

" Alanur, do you remember the day I came to your gallery ? ... you were wearing that beautiful blue suit which matches with your sea eyes... I can't express what I felt that moment when you looked at me with that hope... I felt that I was born again... the moment my palm touched your soft cheek, it just melted my heart... the moment I hugged you and inhaled your scent... I wished that if that moment could last forever... and the moment I kissed you, I felt that my heart would go out of my chest...and the moment I said .... " Ziya slowly approached and whispered in Alanur's ear..

" I love you ... I felt alive again ... come on, Alanur, I know you're hearing me ... I'm waiting for you, my love ... fight ! ... fight back ! .... " ziya said as he rested his forehead on Alanur's while his tears fall on Alanur's cheek...

Everyone kept quiet for a moment, staring at Ziya helpless in front of the situation of this couple... Suddenly, they heard a sigh ... it was from Alanur and unexpectedly squeezed her held on Ziya's hand, which he was already holding hers ...

She slowly opened her eyes ... Ziya was looking at her with teary eyes ...

" Z..Ziya..." Alanur hardly whispered...

" Yes, my dear, it's me ! ...." ziya said as he placed a soft kiss on her forehead...

I hope you liked it ❤️

See you soon my dear Alaziy family

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