3. Introduction

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Siya's POV

I was sleeping peacefully when rays of sunshine fell on my face. I woke up and rubbed my eyes and a sweet voice wished me good morning. That voice wasn't my mom's. It was Swati's. It will be difficult to adjust to the sudden changes but I will get used to it. I smiled at Swati and made my way towards the bathroom.

I took a bath and got ready for the introductory lecture that we have today. Maybe I'll make new friends today.
I wore a white coloured sweatshirt and black pants. For me, sweatshirts are the most comfortable clothing ever. I quickly brushed my hair, picked up my bag and left our room with Swati.

We made our way towards the canteen where Raghav was waiting for us. We had our breakfast and started searching for our classroom.

We were late. After 10 minutes of searching, we finally found the classroom and we went inside. I had expected a taunt for being late on the first day itself but the professor welcomed us with a wide smile. I guess college life is not as hard as I thought it would be. I guess I'll survive.

We quickly settled on the seats in the last row as all the other seats were occupied. The professor then began with his introduction. He asked everyone to introduce themselves and tell everyone about their hobbies and interests.

One by one, all the students started introducing themselves. I was kind of bored and I was staring out of the window which was just beside my seat. Just then, I heard a familiar voice and I looked up at the owner of that voice.

Oh! The airport guy. He's my batchmate too. Great.

"Good morning. I'm Siddhant Mehra and I'm from Delhi. I am a state level swimmer and I am fond of cricket too. I like reading. Besides that, I like cooking for my closed ones." He introduced himself.

I always wanted a guy who would watch cricket with me (because almost all the boys like football more), read my favourite novels (and recreate those romantic scenes with me) and who would cook for me (because I can't cook, at all).
Wait wait wait. I need to come out of my dreamland and instead of thinking about what qualities I want in my future partner, I should focus here.

After answering a few questions asked by the professor, he sat down and a guy named Aarav introduced himself. Later, Raghav and Swati introduced themselves too and now it was my turn. I was the only person left.

I stood up and said, "Hello everyone, I'm Siya Dutta. I'm from Mumbai and it's my biggest dream to study Aeronautics at IIT. I am a huge cricket fan and I love reading novels. I love painting and most importantly, I love to eat different sorts of food items. I've also tried to cook various dishes but I failed miserably. Once, I almost set our kitchen on fire."
Everyone chuckled including the professor and I felt embarassing. 'Siya, you need to put a filter before you speak', I thought. The professor asked, "What kind of novels do you read?"

"Umm, I read romance novels." I said in a very soft voice. Ofcourse I can't tell him what kind of novels do I read. He'll be traumatized if he gets to know what kind of books I read.

The professor just nodded at me and I sat down. "Okay students, it was nice to know you all and I hope this introductory class would be helpful for you all to find new friends who have similar interests. I will see you all tomorrow as our regular lectures begin from tomorrow. I'll take your leave." He said and left the class.

We chatted with a few other students and then decided to leave. As we were leaving, I saw the airport guy aka Siddhant who was standing with Aarav. I smiled at him but he looked away. Strange guy! Anyways, let's go.

We bid bye to Raghav and started walking towards our room. But my mind lingered on the thought that first time in my life I smiled at someone and the other person didn't return the smile. Rather, he looked away. It was kind of insulting. Maybe he doesn't remember me or maybe he just isn't interested in making new friends. I brushed off my thoughts as we reached our room.

Tomorrow is a big day. Official first day of college.......

I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter.

Siya is cute. But why did Sid look away?

Next update will be on Friday.
Stay tuned.
Till then,
Take care🤍

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