Chapter 10

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(Red fountain school)

"Yo anyone know what's up with Riven??" Kenzo asked, as they all watched him train tirelessly, even though it was getting late. "I'm not too sure myself. Ever since he came back he's been like this" Sky(Brandon) said.

The boys heard a ringing sound come from Brandon(Sky). He pulled out his phone to see bloom calling. "Oh Hey Bloom what's up??" Brandon(Sky) said answering the phone. "Yeah well remember how we came over asking about stella two days ago?" Bloom started. "Yeah i remember, by the way what did happen with Stella?" Brandon(Sky) asks. "I'll tell you later, but can you guys come over in a few?  We have something to tell, well show you guys" Bloom said, then she hung up.

Brandon(Sky) and the rest of the guys stared at the phone confused. But Riven wasn't paying them any mind, as he continued training. "Well we have nothing better to do right?? So i guess we can get going now then." Sky(Brandon) suggested. "Okay then. Hey Riven! We're all heading out! Get ready!" Kenzo yelled, informing Riven.

"I'm busy, you guys go on ahead without me" Riven shot him down. "Oh boy.. This'll take awhile.." Timmy sighed.

(At Alfea)

"Do you guys think she'll wake up soon? Stella asked. "More likely yes, in this state, she will be conscious again in a few hours.." Tecna told them. The girls cheered but were shushed by the nurse, and decided to cheer quieter.


The girls were waiting outside for the boys, when they heard the ship arriving. They all cheered in excitement, stepping back so that the boys could land properly. All the girls ran to the boys, except Musa. She had expected Riven's anti-social behavior.  But he didn't even didn't even look her way.

The girls all eventually led the boys to the headmistress's office, where they could talk about the situation, and get the boys caught up. Musa thought of going up and talking to Riven on the way to the office, but then she remembered what had happened earlier.

They all arrived, and it seemed that Ms. Faragonda was waiting for them. "Hello girls- and boys, I see your all here to address-" suddenly they all heard a crash. Everyone ran to go see what the noise was.

The noise was coming from the nurses office, so they all ran there. "What the heck is happening?!" Stella yelled in confusion. "I'm not too sure, but it probably has something to do with that new girl..."

Everyone had finally arrived at the med bay, only to see no one, "What in the world?!" Stella yelled. "What happened here??" Ms Faragonda thought aloud.

Everyone was confused, including Ms. Faragonda. Even though the mess didn't look purposeful, it might seem so to others.

"Guys i think we should all split up into pairs, and look around for clues." Bloom suggested. "I think that's a great idea bloom, I have some stuff to finish up, but please report back to me immediately if you find anything." Ms.Faragonda said, leaving the winx and the specialists to themselves.

"Yeah well good luck idiots, I'm going by myself." Riven scoffed, walking off.


(Juno's POV)

What the heck is this place?? I'm so lost this place is so big. Where did those girls go??

I wandered around the strange halls, looking for someone to help. I ran into one the girls I saw earlier. She had brown wavy hair with hazel green eyes. "Oh there you are! We've all been looking for you!" Flora exclaimed. "Looking for me? Why?" I asked. "Well for one you kinda just disappeared on us. Also we kinda just wanna what's going on you know?" Flora responded, leading me back.

"Oh okay, yeah i can try my best, but I'm really not to sure either. But I'll try my best" I said.


Normal POV

"What the heck do you mean come back?? I just left a few minutes ago-" Riven complained. "Yeah well Flora found them wandering the halls and brought em' back. So cya in a bit." Brandon(Sky) said, hanging up.

"Ugh whatever.." Riven said, jogging back to the med bay.


Riven walked in, and looked around, recognizing the girl, but be doesn't bother to say anything, he just stares. Flora was about to introduce the girl, and then everyone heard a thwack and a . "What the hell?!" Riven yelled. "Who the-" Riven immediately fell silent seeing the face of his 'attacker'. Everyone looked at they mystery girl to see her face filled with anger and sadness. "So you just disappear on me, and come back like it's normal?! No hi, or great to see you!" She yelled.

The mystery girl, now identified as Juno's face was filled with sadness. "You didn't even apologize.." Juno trailed off, dejected.

Everyone was confused. Well except for Riven, but we all already know why. Juno ran out of the room with tears in her eyes. Riven decided to follow. "Jun- wait! I can explain!" Riven yelled as he ran after her. "What the- what just happened??" Stella asked. "I don't know, but I'd definitely like to find out.." Musa announced.

Everyone ran outside to see Riven, but no Juno. "Hey where'd she go??" Kenzo asked. Riven didn't say anything. Infact, he didn't even look at them. "Hey Riven, it'll be okay, she'll come back" musa comforted him. Riven still didn't say anything tho, he just hugged Musa.

"I have to show you all something" Riven spoke suddenly. He let go of Musa and started into the forest. Everyone followed until they All arrived at a clearing with a cute cottage, with a tree beside a bench, outside of it. "Woah.. What is this place??" Timmy asked.

It was getting late, and alfea want that closer to where the were, so everyone decided to sleep there. "Guys tomorrow we'll go searching for Juno" bloom said.

Everyone agreed, and went to bed.


The next morning, everyone woke up pretty early to get a head start. Flora was using her powers to talk to the trees to find out where Juno had went the night before. "They say she went that way.." Flora announced, pointing towards 2 paths. "Well which one do we take?" Stella asked, confused on why it said 2 paths instead of 1.

"I don't know, they just said that way." Flora replied. "Well then I guess we'll just have to split again. Meet back here in 20 alright guys?" Bloom said. Everyone split into two groups and left.

Flora's group consisted of Stella, Sky(Brandon), Tecna, and Kenzo. They all went left, though it was a darker path, they had Stella.

Bloom's group had Brandon(Sky), Musa Timmy, and Riven. Since Flora's group had all gone left they decided to go right.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2023 ⏰

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