Chapter 8

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(A/N: btw I'll be naming the chapters after the first book is finished. And yes I'm publishing multiple books for this series)


Bloom's POV

After Brandon(Sky) had said that, Cordata called the boys in for their dragon training. Brandon(Sky) apologized for them not able to help, but I says it was okay, because they had class. It's not their fault you know?

Prince Sky(Brandon) says that if we were in serious need of help that we would know where to find them, then they left. "Now what??" Flora asked. "Isn't out obvious?? We go to magix." I replied.


Me and the girls had made it to magix and were walking down the street. "So you think Stella could be here somewhere??" Tecna asked. "Well, I think Stella could be anywhere at this point.." I said. Though this seemed to confuse Flora even more. "Then why are we starting in the city of all places??" Flora questioned me. I think the girls hat forgotten about the note that Stella got. "Because of the black lagoon. Remember the letter that Stella mentioned girls??" I said.

The girls all made a sound as they remembered. I don't know how they forgot. "The black lagoon huh??" Tecna started as she pulled out her tablet starting to type. "A quick scan of the cities' iconic map and I'll have the there in no time!" Tecna announced.

3rd POV

Tecna continued to type on her tablet for a bit more until a hologram-like map showed up. "Voila!" Tecna announced, showing everyone the hologram. There was a dot on the hologram to show the black lagoon, but it didn't stop anywhere, and then it just disappeared. " huh?? That wasn't supposed to happen.." Tecna mutters, quickly typing away on her tablet.

"Well now let's try my search program!" Bloom exclaimed, pulling everyone to a sidewalk. "Huh?? You have one as well??" Tecna asked. "Yeah, it's called asking around!" Bloom cheered as she ran over to go talk to someone. The girls watched bloom ask people for a bit. Flora looked around, shrugged and ran excitedly to go ask people as well.

This convinced the rest oh the girls to go ask around for the black lagoon.

The girls had been asking around for quite some time and decided to meey up on a street somewhere. "Anyone have any luck??" Bloom asked disappointedly. The rest of the girls also had no luck, as no one had even known what the black lagoon was. Or where it was located.

"This isn't good.." Flora sighs sadly. "I know right? I'd they wanna be a popular place, they should really start advertising." Bloom joked. "This really doesn't even add up at all!" Musa frowned. "Maybe we should back and tell Mrs. Faragonda" Tecna suggested.

"Come on girls, we can't give up on Stella already! There's gotta be something we're missing.." Bloom says as she thought.

A guy was peeking around the corner eavesdropping on their conversation. He was a bit shorter than normal, had a bit of a belly on him, with short dirty blonde hair.

"H-hi uh ladies??" The guy called, getting the attention of the winx. "U-uh I noticed that you all asking around.. And I think I may have the answer you looking for. B-but only if you want it! It really is none of my business after all!" The guy said nervously.

Bloom and Musa looked at each other before running up to him. "Oh it's no problem of course! Do you know where The Black Lagoon cafe is?!" Bloom says getting in his space. "Oh prettyplease with a cherry on top would you tell us where it is???" Musa begged.

The girls made the guy a bit nervous, but thankfully he told them anyway. "Sure! Go right Down that main road until you reach a bridge, you can't miss it! There's a big oak tree right infront of the cafe!" The guy explained, pointing down a road.

While he explained, the girls turned their heads towards where he was pointing. "Oh thank you so much sir we-" Bloom started, butt as she turned around to thank the man, he was no where to be found

"Huh... That's weird.. Anyways let's go girls, we've gotta find Stella!" Bloom allie announces, heading towards the road.

Over with the red fountain boys

The guys had finally finished training and had some spare time on their hands. "Hey Sky, imma head over and talk to Riven about something, I'll be back in a bit. Brandon said.

(I'm having then two talk to each other with their normal identities when their in private)

"Alright be back soon, i wanna spar later." Sky laughed him off. Brandon walked off to Riven, who was also resting after training. "Hey Riven, I have a little question for you if you have the time-" Sky(Brandon) started

"Yeah sure- shoot.." Riven said a bit tiredly. "Aw, no smart remarks this time??" Sky(Brandon) teased. "Oh shut up before I actually do say something." Riven snapped. "Alright alright chill I was just joking. Anyways the other day.. You had something on the back of your bike, mind telling me what it was? It looked like a animal of some sort." Brandon asked.

"Yes I actually do mind- is none of your business and I don't have to tell you. So mind your business Prince sky" Ruben replied, back up with the attitude.

"Anddd we're back.. Anyways I just wanted to know because it looked a little strange. But whatever- I'll find out soon enough" Sky(Brandon) joked, walking off to spar with Brandon(Sky).

Over at the Black Lagoon

"We're here! The directions lead us right to the tree!" Bloom says excitedly. "Hey Tecna maybe when we get back to Alfea, you cam update your techno map thingy!" Musa laughed Tecna ignored her though. "I dunno know bloom.. This place just doesn't feel right. How come no ones ever heard of it??" Tecna asks.

"Yeah.. I feel it too bloom.. This tree.. It had no lithe force.. It's like it's- fake.." Flora murmurs. Yeah Bloom this could be a trap-" Musa yells bloom expressing her worries. "Yeah well trap or not.. This is the only last we have to Stella, ave we have to find her." Bloom says determined.

"Yeah but shouldn't we at least get some kind of back up??" Musa questions. "No we can't, the specialists are all busy training. We're on our own girls." Bloom says full of confidence as she storms in. "Bloom ways for us!" Flora says as the girls run in after her.

A guys head greeted the girls at the door, telling them that 'they' had been waiting for them. "See I knew this was suspicious-" Tecna said.

The guy ran past the girls quickly from one wall to another. "Hey who are you?!" Bloom called out after him. The ma'am ignored her as he ran up the stairs. "I think he wants us to follow him!" Tecna told the rest of the girls.

Flora was still worried. " I don't like this place.. Not one bit-" Flora spat. "You know.. A fresh coat of paint and a few rugs, could r really fix this place up a bit" Musa suggested. But Tecna didn't think it was any time for jokes, and told her so. "Hey its what Stella would say.." But as soon as those words came out of Musa's mouth, Stella had appeared, greeting them.

It was as though Musa had says stone magic words to make her appear, which she didn't. Though something did seem to be really wrong with Stella.

"Hello friends! Your really only here for one thing, and that's Ford me to get something back-" Stella(??) started. As she finished her sentence though, she had used magic to shut the did 9 behind the winx. "I knew this was a trap!" Musa yelled, getting scared. "Well then I guess you should've just given me back... My Ring!!" Stella yells angrily, flipping into the air, summoning a ball of dark magic in her hand as she levitates above the girls. "Now girls, I'm gong to get that ring, one way or another!" Stella yells as she floats higher, making the ball of magic bigger.

"You guys this isn't Stella, everyone! take cover!" Tecna yelled. The girls all split up diving to different sides of the room. Just as they had gotten away, (???) Had thrown the ball of magic right where they were just standing.

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