the basilisk

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the soft sound of footsteps filled the room as I tried to pin point the area of the tiny boy, but to no avail, he was quiet unlike the others I've ever eaten, they all ran in fear and banged on the locked door, but I've lost my appetite, so he can live but shale never see the daylight again, for he is in the basilisks chambers and for that he is now mine.

The boy was still so quiet but if I listened I could hear the soft shaky breathing of the scared little boy hiding in the pipes awaiting rescue.

I hit him a few time making is arm twist and blood pore from his shoulders but sadly I could barely see the blood stained floors and the frightened eyes of the victim, but the smell of the fresh blood cept my sanity as I await his next move.


we sprinted down the hall as fast as we could hiding behind armer and the tall pot plant so we didn't get court, it was very silent and I hated it, the was always noise and sound somewhere in the castle but nothing had happend today.

I sore kai barge through the boys bathrooms door and I heard multiple gasps as we sore piles of blood that led to the sink, the handle was covered in blood and it didn't look like someone had turned on the tape, but as I started at the floor in a frightened way I could tell my friend weren't looking at the blood on the floor, I heard someone crying but it was too quiet so I didn't no who it was, as I slowly turned my head to face scared of what was on the mirror I sore.


Im scared  for there friend, I'm scared that they won't find him on time, im scared we will perish, and I'm scared they are hiding to many secrets, secrets that will lead to bad thing

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Im scared  for there friend, I'm scared that they won't find him on time, im scared we will perish, and I'm scared they are hiding to many secrets, secrets that will lead to bad thing.

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