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KALANI and LAYLA are sitting side by side on a beach towel, textbooks open in front of them as they diligently work on their homework

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KALANI and LAYLA are sitting side by side on a beach towel, textbooks open in front of them as they diligently work on their homework. In the background, the sound of the football team practicing fills the air. Jordan throws the football, and Spencer makes an impressive catch making jordan smile. "Nice grab" Jordan compliments as Spencer throws the ball to him. "Some serious spin on that throw. Man, we don't practice like this in crenshaw, I'll tell you that." Spencer says. "Well, we like a good re-gen day, you know, team bonding." Jordan says as the look over at jj throwing the ball. "You sure about that? I mean, we got hawthorne this week, and let me tell you, them dogs bite." Spencer says. "Come on, trust me. Hawthorne won't know what hit 'em this week. Ain't that right, JJ?" Jordan asks. JJ, with a cocky smile, joins the conversation. "Oh, you know that's right." Jj says as he walks up to the duo.

Spencer was talking to Jordan when his eyes settle on kalani who was doing her chemistry homework. He smiles before turning to Jordan. "Hey, I'ma catch you later." Spencer says patting his shoulders before he jogs over to kalani and layla. "So..."Spencer says causing kalani to look up at Spencer. "This is what rich kids do at 5 P.M. on a Tuesday." Spencer says laying next to kalani who looks up from her work. "Hey, it's not all fun and games. We get work done, too. Look, the student council's here." Kalani says gesturing toward the busy student council members behind them, defending their activities."We're prepping for the big football booster party this week, and this year, the pressure's on because everybody is coming to meet our new star player. That's you, in case you were curious." Layla says making Spencer chuckle. "And this chemistry homework is kicking my ass so" kalani adds in.

Jordan turns his attention away from Spencer , who is engrossed in conversation with the girls, and looks at Asher, who's clearly upset.

"What's up, Ash?" Jordan asks liking at his teammate. Asher doesn't hold back his frustration. "You know what's up. Guy's hitting on my girl left and right, knocked me out of the game last week. That boy needs to go." Asher says as they both look back at Spencer. Jordan, still watching Spencer, tries to explain. "Seriously? We gave Chatsworth the tip on his transfer permit to get him kicked out, okay? We tried." Jordan admits. "You tried."Asher corrects him with a pointed tone.

"Exactly. And look how that turned out. Homeboy's living in my house now. Face it, Ash. He's here to stay." Jordan utters giving Asher the ball. Asher reluctantly accepts the football jordan hands him and glares at Spencer. "You should be equally pissed he's tryna get with your ex." Asher says back. Jordan sighs, his past with kalani is still a complicated matter between them. He's been trying relentlessly to win her back, but kalani has maintained a distance, keeping him close yet distant.

Spencer, flashing a warm smile at kalani, begins to gather his belongings, causing Layla to notice. "Hey, you're not leaving, are you?" Layla asks in a flirty voice. Kalani raises an eyebrow, curious about Layla's tone.

"It's getting late." Spencer says. "It's just getting started. Beers, a bonfire, s'mores. JJ's got his guitar out." Kalani says pointing to JJ, who is tuning his guitar "Sandcastles, John Mayer sing-alongs – it'll be fun. Don't go." Layla joins in whining. "it sounds tempting, but, uh, I got business to take care of." Spencer says dismissing the idea.

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