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I was running through a thick forest, something was after me. I saw a pair of hands reaching out to me. I tried to scream but I couldn't, it was as if I was trying to scream underwater, my voice sounded so far away. My voice sounded muffled.
I kept running, the further I go, the thicker the forest becomes.
I could feel my heart racing.

I saw a hut, ahead of me. I decided to run inside and hide out there.
Before I could reach the hut, I tripped over something.
I felt those hands on my neck, strangling me.
Around me I could hear the words whispered
"The end is coming"

I woke up drenched with sweat.
My heart was racing. That felt so real.

"The end is coming" those words were stuck in my head, they refused to depart. I spent the rest of the night tossing and turning. Sleep was very far from me.
I made up my mind earlier to finally let my parents know exactly what's going on.
If the creepy woman with the gray eyes is friends with Uncle and Aunt, then something is definitely going on.

I kept tossing on the bed, I could hear my sister snoring softly on the bed opposite mine.
The wind was howling outside, it looked like a storm was coming. A window in the hallway was being banged by the wind so I decided to go and shut it. 

I gently got out of bed, opened the bedroom door which creaked a lot louder than I anticipated.
I looked down the line of windows and they were all shut, but I could still here the banging of a glass.
I walked down towards the sitting room. As soon as I stepped in, I felt the chill. The  windows were all opened and the white curtains were being blown around like ghosts.
I shook my head and went to work closing the windows.
I was at the last window when I saw something moving in the trees.
I paused and looked closely but I didn't see anything.
So I just took it as my imagination, with everything going on, one might tend to hallucinate once in a while.
I closed the window.
As I was about to close the curtain, I saw someone come out from behind one of the trees looking straight at me.
I couldn't see the person's face because whoever it was had a mask on, but I could feel the glowing red eyes on me.
I started moving backwards slowly, my eyes still trained on the entity.
As though in a horror movie, I suddenly bumped into someone who immediately put their hand over my mouth as I tried to scream.
"Shhhh, you don't want to wake everybody up"
I breathed a sigh of relief as I heard Bree's voice behind me.
"Did you see that?" I mumbled against her hand
She took her hands off me and looked at me

"There was someone standing just outside there with red glowing eyes and they were stating right at me"
I started gesturing widely.

After looking at me for a little while like I've gone mad, she looked down at her feet with the tiniest voice she said
"Yes I did. I saw it"
She looked up at me and her eyes were filled with fear.

"We're not save anymore. I don't know what Uncle is planning..." I started

"Don't start now. I warned you at the beginning of this whole drama to involve Ma and Pa, but you insisted on handling it on you own. How did that work out for you?"
Bree ended with an eye roll.
She walked away.

Before she disappeared into the room, I heard her say

"I don't want you to die"

The old woman served me a big bowl of stew, her grey eyes were always on me monitoring my every move.

"Thank you for the food"
I murmured as soon as I was done eating. I must admit the food was delicious.
First real food I've eaten for over five years.

There was silence in the room for a while so I decided to ask again

"Who are you?"
She looked up at me and took out a stringed black bead from inside her tunic.
She started muttering strange words with her eyes shut so tight as though she was praying.

"I'm here to help you. I know exactly what you seek"
Her voice cracked a little at the end

I looked her in the eye again.
Her grey eyes were glowing

I moved back scared.

"Don't be afraid little one. The answers you seek is very close by"

She started muttering again

"Are you a...a...witch?"
I asked, my voice barely a whisper

She stared at me, her face hardened.
Then she started laughing maniacally again.

"I'm greater than a Witch"
she answered and looked me straight in the eyes.

"You must act fast, you have to get in touch with your sister. The faith of the world rests on your shoulders"
The woman's hands were shaking as she clutched the stringed bead in her hand, muttering something.

"I...I don't understand"

"The words... It's real. You must act fast"
the woman kept muttering

"The words...which words?"
I was so confused at this point, all I wanted to do was lay my head down and relax.

"The poem, the scroll, the book. Find your sister and it will all make sense"

The poem?
How does she know about that?
I was afraid to ask.

"Even if I'm to find her, I don't know exactly where to go from here"
I whispered

"I know exactly where she is. She has seen the book...She didn't understand...the both of you together will unlock the pages and bring the words to life..."

I held my head with both of my hands, I could feel a headache coming.

"I don't understand anything. I'm so confused...I just want to find my family that's all"

"You'll understand soon enough. They are in danger... you have to get going. You have to save them"
She said getting up abruptly, startling me.

She went to a shelf behind her and started searching for something frantically

She kept on muttering strange words

I saw her eyes lit up when she finally found what she was looking for.

She clutched a small bottle in her hand which held a blue liquid.
She opened it and handed it to me.

"Drink this. It will take you to that which you seek"

I eyed the bottle suspiciously

"You have no time left, you must get there now"
This woman was definitely scaring me.

I took the bottle with shakey fingers
I closed my eyes and drank the whole content.

"The end is coming"
She said staring me straight in the eye.

I felt a sharp pain in my stomach so I clutched it.
The pain became so severe, I screamed.

The old woman started muttering with her beads again.

"Remember, the book has all the answers you need"
She whispered.
That was all I remembered, then I felt myself being pulled away into nothingness.
I let the darkness claim me.

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