good kisser ^hanjisung^

40 2 0

Im obsessed
Genre--- STEAM
AU--- Besties han and maddy
prompt---make a steam romance story about han jisung and maddy, besties, when they go on facetime with their friends and oen of the friends asked maddy if she thinks jisung is a good kisser, and maddy says that she would assume so.

The sun began its descent toward the horizon, casting a warm and golden glow over the park where Maddy and Jisung strolled. Their steps were unhurried, the comfort of their companionship evident in their laughter that filled the air. Their bond had weathered the tests of time, fortified by shared secrets, dreams, and countless moments that had etched memories into their hearts.

Seating themselves on a weathered bench, Maddy and Jisung were joined by their friends – Min, Felix, and Mia. The easy banter flowed like a river, carrying with it the carefree camaraderie that only deep friendships could foster. Beneath the surface, however, a current of curiosity simmered, a curiosity that would soon come to the forefront.

Min, with a sly grin that betrayed his intentions, leaned closer to Maddy. "Hey, Maddy, do you think Jisung is a good kisser?"

The question caught Maddy off guard, and a faint blush painted her cheeks as her mind raced to formulate a response. She took a moment to toy with her coffee cup's rim before a teasing smile curved her lips. "Well, I would assume so. He has good rhythm, and good coordination. So.... "

Jisung's attention snapped to her, a mixture of surprise and newfound intrigue lighting up his eyes. Clearing his throat in an attempt to regain his composure, he quipped, "Practice does make perfect, after all."

Maddy chuckled softly, her eyes twinkling with amusement. "Oh, Jisung. I've seen you trip over your own shoelaces more times than I can count. Don't get too ahead of yourself."

Amidst the banter, Jisung's thoughts churned. Maddy's words had ignited a spark within him, a spark of determination and curiosity that he couldn't ignore. If Maddy believed he was a good kisser, then perhaps it was time to demonstrate just how right she was.

As the sun dipped lower, painting the sky in shades of rose and amber, the group decided to relocate to a charming café. Warm light spilled from the windows, carrying with it the scent of freshly brewed coffee. Maddy and Jisung found themselves seated side by side, the air between them crackling with newfound energy.

The café exuded coziness, its ambiance punctuated by the gentle hum of conversations and the soft strains of background music. Jisung sensed the opportune moment to set his plan into motion. Leaning closer to Maddy, he lowered his voice, a playful glint dancing in his eyes. "You know, I've been thinking..."

Maddy turned toward him, her expression a blend of curiosity and amusement. "Thinking about what?"

A confident smile tugged at Jisung's lips as he leaned in, his breath teasing her ear. "About proving you right."

Before Maddy could respond, Jisung's lips brushed hers in a fleeting, tantalizing kiss. The contact sent a jolt of electricity coursing through them, a spark that lingered even as he pulled away slightly, his gaze locked onto hers as if issuing an unspoken challenge.

Maddy's heartbeat quickened, her mind spinning as she tried to process the sudden and intimate connection. Her fingers traced patterns along the edge of her coffee cup as her gaze alternated between Jisung's eyes and his lips. "Proving me right? Whatever do you mean?"

Jisung's touch was a whisper, his fingers grazing her cheek in a way that sent shivers cascading down her spine. "You'll see soon enough."

With those words hanging in the air like a promise, Jisung closed the distance between them once more. Their lips met in a kiss that exuded a newfound confidence, a determination to convey all that remained unsaid. The taste of him was a mosaic of coffee and a hint of something uniquely Jisung – a flavor that would forever be etched into her memory.

Their lips moved with a rhythm that was both gentle and deliberate, the unspoken challenge transforming into a shared understanding. Jisung's kisses were tender, yet assured; his mouth sought hers with a confidence that was impossible to ignore. The soft pressure of his lips against hers was electrifying, a subtle reminder of the depth of their connection.

As the kiss deepened, Jisung's hand found the curve of her neck, his fingers tangling in the silken strands of her hair. His touch was both tender and urgent, as if he wanted to convey emotions that transcended mere words. Drawing her closer, their bodies aligned in a way that felt instinctual, as if the universe itself had conspired to bring them together.

In the midst of their embrace, Jisung's lips ventured to her lower lip, his teeth grazing it with a playful and teasing intensity. A rush of sensation flooded Maddy's senses, a gasp escaping her lips as a surge of pleasure coursed through her veins.

Maddy's fingers threaded through Jisung's hair, her touch alternating between tender and fervent. She matched his fervor, her lips moving against his with a newfound urgency. The taste of him, the rhythm of his breath, ignited a fire that had smoldered beneath the surface for years, a fire that now blazed with undeniable intensity.

The world around them blurred, the café and its patrons fading into the background. In that moment, it was just Maddy and Jisung, swept up in a kiss that promised a thousand unspoken confessions.

When they finally pulled apart, their breaths mingling and their gazes locked in a silent exchange, Jisung's lips were slightly swollen from the fervor of their connection. His eyes held a mixture of depth and intensity that sent shivers cascading down her spine.

Maddy's voice was a soft, almost breathless murmur, woven with wonder and realization. "You certainly know how to prove a point."

Jisung's laughter was a melodious echo, his fingers tracing a delicate pattern along her cheek. "Well, I had to make sure you knew I was up to the challenge."

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