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Its like 11pm rn and i just got the idea
genre--- fluff with TINY bit of steam
AU--- Teacher seungmin, Student kara
Prompt---write a love story about a college teacher named Kim Seungmin and a College student named kara Kim and kara gets caught taking pictures of the teacher seungmin and he teases her about it after class

In the heart of a bustling college campus, where autumn leaves whispered secrets to those who listened, a unique bond began to unfold between Kim Seungmin, a charismatic college teacher, and Kara Kim, a vivacious and ambitious student. Their paths crossed as the sun cast a warm glow over the campus, and destiny seemed to draw them closer.

Seungmin had an air of sophistication that captivated his students' attention. His lectures were not just lessons; they were captivating stories that brought even the driest subjects to life. Kara, a diligent and passionate student, found herself attending every class he taught. His words resonated with her, igniting a spark within her that she couldn't quite explain.

One afternoon, Kara lingered in the back of the classroom after the lecture, pretending to organize her notes while secretly attempting to capture a candid photo of Seungmin. His animated gestures and the way he engaged with the students were something she wanted to remember forever. Her heart raced as she pressed the shutter button, capturing a snapshot of him lost in his element.

As the classroom emptied, Kara hastily put her phone away, cheeks flushed from her daring endeavor. However, she hadn't gone unnoticed. Seungmin's eyes had caught the subtle glint of her camera lens, and a knowing smile tugged at the corners of his lips. With a magnetic charisma, he approached her, his steps confident yet gentle.

"Kara, was that a camera I saw in your hand?" Seungmin's voice was a smooth melody, carrying an underlying note of amusement.

Startled, Kara stammered, "Oh, um, I was just... I mean, I wanted to capture the essence of your teaching, you know? You're so inspiring!"

Seungmin chuckled, his laughter like a warm embrace that wrapped around Kara's heart. "Well, I'm flattered, but next time, feel free to ask for a photo. It's a little less sneaky that way."

Kara's cheeks burned hotter, and she fumbled with her words. "I'm really sorry, Professor Seungmin. I didn't mean to invade your privacy."

Seungmin's eyes softened as he placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "No need to apologize, Kara. I'm actually quite intrigued by your curiosity. Why don't we make a deal? You can take photos after class, but only if you promise to share them with me."

The deal sparked a unique bond between Kara and Seungmin. After every class, they would engage in lighthearted conversations that transcended the boundaries of student and teacher. Through their exchanges, they discovered shared interests, dreams, and vulnerabilities. As the weeks turned into months, the line between admiration and something deeper began to blur.

One crisp autumn afternoon, after a particularly engaging lecture, Kara lingered as usual. This time, however, Seungmin's eyes held a different intensity as he studied her. "Kara, there's something that's been on my mind," he began, his voice carrying a gentle sincerity.

Kara's heart quickened. "What is it, Professor Seungmin?"

He took a step closer, closing the distance between them. "Call me Seungmin. We've come a long way from formalities, haven't we?"

Kara's breath caught in her throat as Seungmin's hand cupped her cheek, his touch warm against her skin. "Seungmin..."

"Kara," he whispered her name like a secret shared between two hearts. "I've watched you capture moments with your camera, freezing the beauty of life in an instant. But there's a moment I wish you'd capture with your heart."

Their gazes locked, and time seemed to slow as the world around them faded away. Without words, their unspoken desires danced in the air, an invisible thread of longing connecting them.

The tension between them reached its peak on a winter's day when a light snowfall painted the campus in soft white hues. After class, Seungmin invited Kara to his office, a space filled with books and stories waiting to be told.

As they stood by the window, gazing at the snowflakes dancing outside, Seungmin's fingers intertwined with Kara's. "Kara, there's a fire that burns between us, one that neither of us can deny any longer."

Kara's heart raced, and her voice trembled. "Seungmin, I've tried to suppress my feelings, but being around you... it's like gravity pulling me closer."

With a tenderness that spoke volumes, Seungmin lifted her chin, his eyes reflecting a depth of emotion that mirrored her own. Slowly, he leaned in, his lips capturing hers in a kiss that felt like a promise fulfilled.

The embrace was a gentle fusion of their longing, a culmination of stolen glances and unspoken words. As their lips met and parted, their connection deepened, and the weight of unspoken desires found solace in each other's touch.

Their love story continued to unfold, a symphony of stolen moments and whispered promises. They navigated the complexities of their relationship, their passion igniting like flames that couldn't be quelled. Through every stolen glance in the classroom, every touch that sent shivers down their spines, they found refuge in each other's arms.

The seasons changed, and their love grew stronger. Seungmin's captivating lectures now had an added layer of intimacy as Kara sat in the front row, his words a melody that resonated in her heart. And Seungmin, in turn, found inspiration in Kara's presence, a muse that breathed life into his teaching.

Their love story, born within the walls of a college campus, transcended boundaries and norms. As they walked hand in hand, facing the world with hearts intertwined, they knew that their connection was a tale of destiny, capturing not just a moment, but a lifetime of shared moments filled with love, passion, and whispers of forever.
this actually ain't that baddddd

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