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This one is lowkey weird but yk who cares its wattpad magic up in here
genre--- Fluff ig
AU--- Vamp Hannie and Felix, human(for now 😏) Maddy ( JUST TO LET YK I WILL DO OTHER NAMES IF YOU ASK ME TOO)
Prompt---make a romance story between Han jisung, lee felix, and maddy as both boys love maddy but she cannot choose which one she wants to be with when maddy finds out that they are both vampires

In a world where the extraordinary thrived in secrecy, Han Jisung, Lee Felix, and Maddy found themselves entangled in a web of emotions that transcended the boundaries of human existence, their lives converging within a complex narrative of love, choice, and the supernatural realm that they straddled.

Amidst this unique tapestry of existence, Maddy stood as a spirited and independent woman, unknowingly holding the affections of both Han Jisung and Lee Felix. Han Jisung, characterized by his brooding intensity and eyes that seemed to hold a universe of emotions, had been captivated by Maddy's vibrant personality since their serendipitous encounter at a local bookstore. On the other hand, Lee Felix, bearing a charming smile and an aura of infectious laughter, had always been Maddy's trusted confidant and partner-in-mischief, a presence that had seamlessly woven itself into her life.

Yet beneath the façade of normalcy, both boys concealed a profound secret – they were vampires, creatures of the night whose immortal existence was anchored in the fragile threads of their friendship with Maddy. As their emotions for her evolved, they were confronted by an agonizing dilemma – to disclose their true identities and jeopardize the bond they treasured, or to retain their secret and remain forever haunted by unvoiced feelings.

Their narratives collided on a fateful evening, within the heart of a moonlit forest where nature whispered its secrets and time seemed to stand still. Maddy's footsteps led her to Han Jisung and Lee Felix, bathed in the ethereal glow of the moon's embrace. A blend of shock and curiosity danced within her eyes as the truth unfolded before her, unmasking the secret they had guarded with unyielding dedication.

In a courageous display of vulnerability, Han Jisung and Lee Felix unburdened themselves, confessing their supernatural nature in the hallowed presence of the moon. Their love for Maddy had propelled them to cast aside their cloaks of secrecy, a revelation that bore the potential to redefine their dynamic.

"Wait, you're saying you're vampires?" Maddy's voice trembled with a mix of astonishment and disbelief.

Han Jisung nodded, his expression a blend of sincerity and anxiety. "Yes, Maddy. We've carried this secret with us, fearing it would change the way you see us."

Lee Felix's eyes bore into hers, a mixture of hope and uncertainty dancing in their depths. "Maddy, we hope you understand that everything we've shared with you has been genuine. Our feelings, our friendship—it's all real."

As their stories unfurled, Maddy's heart became an arena of conflicting emotions – love for both boys, alongside the immense challenge of assimilating the supernatural into her reality.

The passage of time transformed days into nights, with Maddy ensnared between two worlds. The camaraderie shared with Lee Felix, a collection of laughter and intimate secrets, tugged at her heartstrings. In contrast, the intensity of Han Jisung's gaze was a reminder of the unspoken connection that lingered between them. Each instant spent with them was a silent reminder of the profound choice she was destined to make, a decision that could shape the trajectory of their entwined destinies.

Amidst her internal struggle, a crisis unfurled – a threat that had the potential to expose the existence of vampires to the human realm. Uniting their strengths, Han Jisung, Lee Felix, and Maddy harnessed their unique abilities to protect their secret and, by extension, each other. Their collective endeavors solidified their bond, weaving their lives together even more intricately.

Under a starlit sky, Maddy found herself positioned at the crossroads of her existence. Han Jisung and Lee Felix stood before her, their emotions laid bare and their hearts open. It was in this juncture that Maddy recognized the depth of her feelings for them both, sentiments that were genuine and complex.

In a moment of poignant clarity, she spoke softly, her voice carrying the weight of her emotions. "I cherish you both, for different reasons. But the choice I'm asked to make is an impossible one."

Meeting each other's gaze, Han Jisung and Lee Felix exchanged a silent understanding. Rather than sowing division, Maddy's revelation seemed to fortify their connection, infusing it with an unexpected strength.

"Perhaps, together, we can navigate this uncharted path," Han Jisung suggested, his voice tinged with a hopeful timbre.

Lee Felix nodded in agreement, his eyes reflecting resilience. "Our journey has weathered storms before. Maybe this is simply another chapter."

Thus, in a world where the extraordinary was the norm, Maddy, Han Jisung, and Lee Felix embarked on a path untrodden by mortals. Bound by love, fortified by friendship, and embracing the essence of each other's identities, they set forth on a remarkable trajectory that transcended the limitations of human existence. Theirs was a love story that defied convention, a narrative that danced on the precipice of magic and reality, an exploration that demonstrated the profound beauty that arises from embracing the enigma of the unknown.
this aint my fav but still decent

i was reading this afterwards.... WTF IS IT SO GOOFy

i think if yall want it ill do endings for both felix and han

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