~.✧ seven ✧.~

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I woke with a gasp and a start, backing up in my bed and curling my legs up toward my chest. Frantically looking around, I took in the room around me. The inn. I was in the inn. They were coming for me. I had to leave.

I stumbled out of bed and shakily slid on my slippers, ready to bolt. But halfway across the room, as I headed toward the door, the light of the moon slipped in through the window and onto the wooden floor. I looked up and took in the landscape outside, seeing a small village, cliffs, and heavy looking storm clouds.

With a shuttering exhale, I realized that this wasn't the inn in Caliprofra where I had been taken three and a half years ago. I was in Ethira. The Rode-Otlan province.

I was safe.

My knees gave out and I fell to the floor, burying my face in my hands as my heart still raced within my chest. I often woke up thinking I was in the inn or the warehouse where I was kept, but staying here, traveling, was obviously making it worse. This was only the first night out of the next dozen. I wasn't sure I could do this.

We'd traveled most of the day and had arrived in Rode-Otlan, greeting the people and Varien and I put up a happy, unified front. It hadn't been so hard since that's all I ever did these days. Even with the act we made for the people, I was relieved that Varien offered for Kes and I to ride in a separate carriage. I'd almost sensed disappointment when I accepted this, yet I also sensed his own relief. This would be good for now as we worked on getting past this awkward, uncomfortable stage. Not that I was so sure we ever would...

When we arrived at the inn, though, I was a little disgruntled to see that they'd given Varien and I the entire top floor, our two rooms directly across from each other. Couldn't exactly keep the space there.

And now, as I sat on the floor of my room, hugging my knees, I heard the click of a door opening. Footsteps. And then a soft knock.

I groaned, burying my face in my knees.

"Is... Is everything okay?" Varien whispered against the door. He must have heard me yell in my sleep.

Irritation bubbled up in my chest. "Go away. Please."

I could sense his hesitation even with the door between us. With a sigh, I swiped at my wet cheeks and stood, approaching the door. I yanked it open and hoped that my appearance wasn't so disheveled that he wouldn't believe me when I said, "I'm fine. Go."

He swallowed, nodding slowly. And then he seemed to realize his mistake. "Right. Right, I'm sorry. I-I just heard you and I wanted to make sure..." He took a step back and looked away. "I'm sorry. You need space. I'll leave. Um... Goodnight."

He turned and started back toward his room, his head bowed. Guilt tried to wrap around my heart at seeing him discouraged.

"Varien," I called, surprising both him and myself.

He looked back over his shoulder.

I opened my mouth to say something, but I wasn't sure what I'd been thinking, calling to him. He'd been leaving so that I could be alone. Yet I'd stopped him and now he was expecting me to say something. Why had I stopped him?

I shook my head and narrowed my eyes. "Just... If you hear me again, don't bother checking. It's normal."

He nodded quickly and then slipped back into his room. The door latched quietly and then I was left alone, just how I wanted.

I closed the door to my room and climbed back into bed. But I stared up at the ceiling. I often struggled to fall back to sleep after a nightmare. Subjecting myself to my mind in unconsciousness was terrifying after having to relive my past through my dreams for so many years.

~.✧ Ethira ✧.~ [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now