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The final movie of the Star Wars trilogy was finished and only 3/4 of the boys had fallen asleep on the couches. Sheldon was still awake, holding on by a thread, and sighed as it was now time for him to retreat to his room.

As he stood up from the couch, he felt his phone vibrate in his hand. His eyebrows furrowed since he thought he put his phone on 'do not disturb' but it turns out he did not. He looked at his phone and saw he received a message from Elena on Twitter. Now, he was more curious as to why she would be messaging him.

The message read: Hello, Sheldon. I don't have your phone number to call you but I need a huge favor. I apologize for coming to you for this. But please call me when you see this message, my number is...

Sheldon typed in her phone number and began calling her. He was very curious to see what Elena needed.

After the first couple rings, Elena answered.


"Hello, Elena. It's very late, what are you doing awake at this hour?" Sheldon questioned, despite him also awake at a late hour of the night.

Elena softly chuckled, "Trust me, I didn't want to be awake this late. But I'm sorry for asking you to call me so late and for what I'm about to ask you. I...I—I can't I'm sorry. I'm sorry, Sheldon. I'll just Uber home."

Sheldon furrowed his eyebrows. He now understood what she needed and it was a ride. But, she can drive. Why can't she drive now? A part of him wanted to just let her get an Uber and hang up. The other part of him, had a sense of worry over her. Why?

"No need. Leonard and I can provide you with a ride. Where are you?" He asked.


Sheldon then looked at his phone to see if maybe the call failed but saw the call was still going. He put it back on his ear, "Hello?"

He heard Elena sigh on the other end, "It's an advocacy center."

"An advocacy center? Why?"

"I don't know," She paused. "But, are you sure you can give me a ride?"

"Yes," Sheldon answered.

"Is it possible if you can come alone? I...I don't want to be seen by anyone else."

Sheldon hesitated immediately. He does have a driver's license but he barely passed his test. Who knows how far Elena lives! Who knows how far this advocacy center is! He can just drive slowly. But, Leonard is guaranteed to get everyone where they need to be safely. Sheldon, on the other hand, is a slight chance.

"Well, unfortunately..." Sheldon began. He glanced at Leonard who was sleeping on the couch after an entire day of Star Wars. He had also drank a lot of alcohol earlier in the night with Raj and Howard. It's not reasonable to let Leonard drive. Sheldon was  super tempted to wake Leonard. But, it's only reasonable to just drive since he was not under the influence. "I can go alone."

"Thank you, Sheldon. I will explain everything. Again, I am so sorry for this. I will send you the address to the place and also to my apartment."

Sheldon nodded, "Okay."

He was so nervous. Why did he agree to doing this? He was driving 7mph down the streets of Pasadena, luckily the streets were empty at this time and he was getting passed by the cars that were still out and about. His hands were tightly gripping the steering wheel and would gasp every time a car passed him.

What would have been a ten minute drive was now a twenty minute drive.

Elena waited for Sheldon on a bench outside the center. She was on her phone playing a game until she saw a car slowly rolling in front of her. She looked up and saw Sheldon who looked very tense. She waved at him and he responded with a quick wave before quickly placing his hand back on the wheel.

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