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"Mi amor, you sound so official! You're gonna do amazing things at the Caltech," exclaimed Elena's mother, Lucia, over the phone.

Elena was beginning her first day at the California Institute of Technology as a theoretical physicist. This day had seemed so far away and today felt like a dream come true for her. She worked so hard for this and to be able to represent her family was an accomplishment to her. Her first challenge of the day was finishing getting ready and to get there on time.

"Thank you, ama. I'm so nervous. What if there's people out to get me once I get there? What if I can't handle the pressure?" Elena began to slightly spiral until her mother reeled her in.

"Elena, there is nothing in this world that can tear you down. You have made it this far. What happens when you get knocked down?"

Elena inhaled and sighed, "I get back up."

"Exactamente. Just like that Captain America in the movie you showed me. I know you are so far from me but just know I am always there for you."

Elena laughed, "Aww you remember Captain America?"

"You're always watching those movies of course I remember! Plus, how can you forget a handsome man like that, my God!" Lucia swooned at the thought of Chris Evans.

Elena laughed more and started to gather her things, "Okay, ama. I have to go now, you're going to make me late!"

"Hasta luego, mija! Let me know how your first day goes!"


As Elena found a parking spot in the Caltech parking garage, she drew a shaky breath. She couldn't understand why the nerves were catching up to her, it was unlike her. She was slightly homesick but it surely wasn't enough to cause her this much anxiety. She drew in a quick breath and exhaled, "Alright enough of this let's go."

Elena made her way to the Caltech main office where she was welcomed by administrative staff. She shook everyone's hand and was told to wait in the lobby for President Siebert.

"Dr. Elena Díaz, it is a pleasure to meet you and welcome to Caltech University," President Siebert welcomed, approaching her as she stood up to shake his hand.

"Hello, President Siebert, the pleasure is all mine. Again, thank you so much for this opportunity. It is truly an honor."

President Siebert was in awe of her politeness and was taken aback, "Please, we're honored to have you! You are quite the hot topic in the physics community and have a lot of wonderful accomplishments under your belt."

Elena only smiled at that. She didn't realize until now how much of a reputation she has. Her head was always buried in her work to ever realize.

"Let me show you around and introduce you to some important people I want you to meet."


"Finally, this is where the physics department resides. Your office is right around the corner over there and this is the office of someone I really want you to meet," President Siebert said, as he was about to open the door to the office until he realized, it was locked.

He sighed and tried again.

President Siebert faked a smile for Elena, "Can you give me one second as I make a phone call?"

Elena nodded, "Sure thing."

She watched as the frustrated president went around the corner to take that phone call. She then heard a whisper argument beginning from President Siebert, "I know what you're doing. Open this door, right now."

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