Chapter 15 - Kanezaka's Protector

Start from the beginning

Using my powers on Hashimoto was something I'm used to, the hard part was making sure no one else gets hurt. Teleporting into the hallway, the lights began flickering as I was getting my bearings and seeing how many there were, 5 Hashimoto, Mr Yoshida, Akari and... A guy? Is he bleeding on the wall? Either way I need to make this quick, the less casualties the better. The flickering eventually ended as the bulbs blew and a red glow illuminated the hallway we were in.


???: "I'm going to kick every one of you... in the face"

I couldn't make her figure out clearly but her outfit reminded me of the girl I met earlier today. Where did she come from? There's no way she can take all five guys in a fight... right?

Man 2: "What?"

Man 1: "No one threatens the Hashimoto!

Man 2: "Wait, wait! I don't want to get kicked in the face"

Meanwhile I am just sitting against the wall with the knife still in my gut watching it unfold, bleeding out wasn't an uncommon thing for me nowadays so it was just about not passing out and with the Z-Drive out of commission I wasn't going to be able to get up any time soon.

Man 2: "I'm going to call for back up!"

Man 1: "What?!"

In that instant a kunai went flying into the forehead of the mans oni mask he had put on knocking him unconscious. Within the same couple seconds this girl had moved close enough to land a kick across the other guys face who panic shot his gun into the ceiling, prompting the other ones behind them to gang up on her. This chick was amazing in hand to hand combat, her movements flowed like water while she parried the guys charging her with swords in hand, kicking them down one by one until she stabbed a nearby fire extinguisher and began to use the smoke as cover to throw Kunai from. Not even I could see where she went as bullets were fired in her direction, It wasnt until I saw a guy with a rifle grab the little girl from Mr Yoshida that she reemerged but by that time it was too late. A gun shot rung in the air as Mr Yoshida stood in place, he stumbled back towards the thug who was knocked out earlier as she caught him in her arms, placing a glowing talisman on his chest and immediately dashing towards the guy running with the little girl in tow.

Screams could be heard from the child and they didn't stop even after she was reunited with him, I sat there being unable to help at all, a fight I started but one I couldn't finish. I had noticed the woman standing over Mr Yoshida began to clench her fists with her eyes beginning to glow a vibrant blue.

???: "You Hashimoto, have preyed on this city..."

Instantly teleporting to a guy behind her and bouncing his body off the floor and ceiling like a ragdoll

???: "This neighborhood"

Kicking a guy rushing her from behind then picking out the next one and putting them in a choke from behind

???: "These people..."

Palming his head into the wall beside her and taking a terrifying stance

???: "For too long..."

She then teleport between the two guys in front of her and split kick them into each wall and began wailing on them in a fury of blows and kicks. In the span of a couple minutes she had managed to deal with almost every member of this crew with ease, the casualties however have come in the form of Mr Yoshida. Without me even noticing, these blue beams had appeared out of nowhere but that's not all, along side her was a blue fox, ones eyes that glowed of white.

Kiriko's POV

The only thing I want to give these guys right now, is the pain and suffering they've caused for Kanezaka all these years.

Kiriko: "I have a message for you to take back to your boss... Kanezaka... Is under my protection"

I had fully released the power of my Tori gates maximizing the potential of the power the great fox spirit has provided me with, with this power I protect those who cant protect themselves and empower those who wish to fight alongside my cause, Akari and Mr Yoshida are included in this fight too. The two then rose from the ground taking a stand against the people they once feared, it didn't take much to send them running like cowards all the way to the elevator as Akari chased them down with a fire axe, what a funny sight that is.


What am I witnessing? First, this girl has supernatural powers to do with a fox? Secondly, Mr Yoshida could still get up after taking a bullet to the back? What is my life? Not only was I slowly passing out from blood loss, I was witnessing things beyond belief and honestly I could think I was hallucinating because of me losing so much blood. It wasn't long after the Hashimoto ran in fear that I passed out and couldn't remember a single other thing that happened that night.

Kiriko's POV

After addressing Akari and Mr Yoshida to make sure they were okay I turned around to see the same guy from before now slumped over with a blood trail marked up against the wall. I teleported over to see him unconscious, his breathing was erratic and he had lost a lot of blood from the stab wound I noticed in his stomach,

Kiriko: "Mr Yoshida! What happened to him?!"

Mr Yoshida: "He stepped in after the Hashimoto had started harassing us. I feel terribly sorry for getting him into this mess"

Kiriko: "Don't mind that, what room number is he"

He then pointed to a door three rooms down from me, I picked him up dragging his arm over my shoulder

Kiriko: "This guys a mess but I should be able to patch him up"

Mr Yoshida: "Thank you... Kiriko"

Kiriko: "Don't mention it, you guys are like family to me"

I was able to open the door and drag him all the way to his bed and treat his wound, unclothing him of his hoodie to get a better view of the stab wound and I began to see all the scars he had which was intriguing to me. It wasn't weird in the way that I had do it to heal him but it was weird for me to be stripping a guy of his clothes in general, but now it was just a matter of waiting to see when he wakes up. I have a lot of questions to ask him.

A/N: Thats right! Your favorite donut eating, kunai throwing, fox adoring ninja has arrived on the scene and with a strong impression too. I got started on this chapter super early so I wouldn't delay it for another day, pretty much as soon as the last one went up I already started on this one. It was pretty simple for me this chapter as I could use the cinematic for source material and just mix in a Kiriko POV for the beginning and the mid fight talk with a Y/N POV moment for commentary. Either way this should buy me some time to get ahead on the next chapter too. It will be interesting... How will Y/N react to being stripped of his hoodie by this strange woman? Is Kiriko's Fox technically like a stand from JoJo's? I don't have those answers, but one things for sure. Y/N and Kiriko are going to get along very well... Once they pass the slight bit of awkwardness and actually develop a friendship that is.

See you all very soon in...


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