[8] Channei: No Fuss, No Mess

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 "Magpie, dear." Ami snapped her fingers. "Patient's wincing. Two mills of LP, stock concentration, please."

Channei watched and listened with utter confusion. It was as if the two spoke another language. Their tent was like another world, one with a heavy herbal, chemical scent that made her feel lightheaded when she breathed too deeply. She imagined if she fell asleep she'd have fever dreams.

The odd companion with two-toned hair held up two dark glass vials. "C17 or C18?"

"Seventeen's the more sedating. Draw it up now, don't stand around." Ami sounded impatient but not panicked. "Give it intravenously."

Channei seethed. "And how do I know you're not poisoning them?"

"I've got no reason to be doin' that, fuzzball." Ami's focus didn't break for a second. She adjusted some evil-looking tool in Rizval's wound. "In plain terms, I'm having Magpie give your pal a little more pain relief than I gave them initially." She nodded to Magpie, who pulled a needle out of Rizval's arm. "Good, Magpie. Now toss that one out, will you?"

Rizval's eyelids fluttered and their taut muscles relaxed. They let out a heavy sigh.

"Hear me, Rizval?" Ami asked. "Good. Deep breath in." She leaned down to listen to their inhalation. "And out. Yes. Good. Now open." She pulled their jaw open. "No blood in your mouth either. Your lung's not punctured. That's great news."

Rizval gave a weak smile before slipping back into drugged semi-consciousness. Channei swallowed hard. She rocked in her rickety wooden chair and nearly tipped it.

"A lung injury's almost sure to be fatal," Ami explained, as if Channei knew nothing at all about anatomy. "Though not for the reason you'd think. Usually blood loss kills them before they suffocate, especially if –"

"I know the basics, Ami." Channei pulled her sleeve back and showed the brands on her forearm. "Obviously."

"Do you now?" She chuckled. "Yeah, suppose your masters teach you plenty about where your blades ought to go. I'll say, this archer had the right idea, but their aim was off, lucky for us."

"Us?" Channei leaned closer, almost snarling. "You still haven't told me what's in it for you. I highly doubt it's from any goodness in your heart."

"She's got you there," Magpie piped up, unhelpfully. "Big bad Ami."

Ami scoffed. "I'm not asking for much this time."

"That's what she always says," Magpie butted in again.

"Shush up." Ami paused for one second to glare at her companion, then returned to her operation. "Channei, before I make any requests, I was wondering if you knew the answer to a question that's been bothering me."

The Styzian cocked her head. "What?"

"What's Xigon's big idea, holding Haode captive?" Ami's tone shifted to one of disdain. "It seems stupid if you ask me. I can't think of a single good reason to do something like that."

Channei shook her head. "I'm sorry, what?"

"Don't play dumb, darling. My root net says they're in close proximity to each other and have been for weeks." Ami nearly growled. "You know what's up."

"I don't know why you think that." Channei's hand moved to Respite's hilt. "Xigon killed him the night of the full moon, and we laid him to rest the night after. Had a prayer and laid him out for the gravebirds on the peak." She watched Ami's eyebrows go up. "What? That's our way, Ami. Even that bastard deserves better than dirt."

"Your funeral customs aren't what bother me, Channei," Ami corrected. "Do you by any chance have the weapon used to kill him? Probably not, but –"

"I do." Channei held Respite out to Ami. "Right here."

Ami leaned in and sniffed the blade. "Yep, that's his blood." Her eyes narrowed. "What's wrong with me? Why did I think he was...?" She shook her head. "Whatever. Forget about it."

Channei sheathed the blade. Magpie fidgeted and chewed her hand.

"Don't do that." Ami reached out and yanked Magpie's arm down without looking up. "Can't be acting up while I'm working."

"Sorry." Magpie wandered over to Channei and stood far too close for comfort. "Do you have any water?"

Her eyebrows rose. "Sorry?"

"Don't be askin' strangers for anything, dear." Ami leveled them both a warning glare. "I give you everything you need."

Magpie seethed and retreated through another flap at the back of the tent. Channei squirmed. What was the story here?

Ami redirected her attention. "These sutures I'm putting in will break down on their own by the time the wound is healed. I also found a collarbone fracture, so six weeks wearing an arm sling. And of course, a cone around the neck."

Channei grimaced. "What?"

"Last bit was a joke, dear." Ami chuckled at herself. "I expect to see you back immediately if there are any signs of infection or necrosis."

"And what do you expect in return?" Channei asked and dreaded the answer.

"Not much. Something quite simple." Ami leaned back in her chair and smiled. "An audience with Master Xigon."

"No." Channei said it immediately, without thinking.

Ami laughed. "Are you sure?" She reached into her pocket and pulled out a vial of inky liquid. "I still have this, you know."

She crossed her arms. "Threatening is a terrible first negotiation tactic."

"I'm giving you a choice," Ami continued, ignoring her jab. "You let me see Xigon or you get a shot of Rager." Her teeth clenched. "And this isn't a threat I make lightly, Channei. I need to see him. I need to. More than you'll ever know."

"And for what?" Channei rose from her chair. "What the hell could you possibly need so badly?"

Ami shook her head. "That's a conversation for him, not you. Though there might also be something in it for you."

The Styzian raised an eyebrow. "And what's that?"

"Xigon's ill, isn't he?" Ami sounded as if she already knew the answer. "Maybe I can help him."

"And you'd make another demand, probably an even bigger one." Channei sighed. "I think not."

"No, sweet thing." Ami gave a dry laugh, as if Channei had made a terrible joke. "I'd do it for free. So what do you say now? One way, everyone wins. The other way's more misery all around. You know the right choice."

Channei opened her mouth but couldn't say anything.

"Channei, dear." Ami reached across the table and placed an earthy-smelling hand on top of hers. "I don't need you to trust me. If you want to hold a knife to my neck the whole time, be my guest." She smiled in a way Channei couldn't resist. "Let's save your master, shall we?"

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