[6] Channei: Savage Little Vermin

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It was abnormally warm out the day Channei began her investigation. Not warm enough to remove a layer, but enough that the townspeople stirred a little more than usual. She passed by a house where Rizval was perched up on the roof replacing shingles. She waved up at them. "Hello!"

Rizval looked down and squinted. "Do I know you?"

Channei chuckled. Of course Rizval wouldn't recognize her in this form. She was a full head taller, her hair was black instead of blond, and her voice had changed entirely. She tried not to draw too much more attention as she passed by Rizval. As much as she wanted to greet them, she had a much more important job to focus on.

The Square Exchange would be a good place to start, she reasoned. She'd been to the weekly barter market many times before and picked up many delightful treasures, but today was different. She wasn't seeking anyone's wares. Only their words when they thought no Styzian was listening.

She joined a crowd that seemed to be heading that way. No one seemed to notice her. She was only another person, and unlike anywhere else, not everyone in the Wash knew each other. A new face was no cause for suspicion. She was virtually invisible.

That was, until tiny hands grabbed her sleeve.

Channei looked down and saw a toddler had ambushed her from his mother's hip. Her eyebrows rose. "Well hello, little one."

"Miss, I'm so sorry." The mother detached her child from Channei and hurried ahead. The disguised Styzian listened as she started talking to a man, probably her husband. "Our son needs to learn some manners."

"Give him to Styzia, then." The man chuckled. "They'll have him straightened out in no time at all."

Several other people laughed. Channei feigned a giggle to blend in.

"Was that Rizval fixing your cousin's roof?"

Channei's eyes darted to that conversation.

"Well yes. Take free help where you can, pal. Hey, do you have something I can give the hoof trimmer?"

She lost interest at the change of subject.

The square was abuzz with people exchanging their goods and services. At least one stand had to have food, she reasoned, and she was ravenous all of a sudden. With nothing to trade, she'd have to steal or beg. Obviously, a human would have a hard time getting away with theft or pleading, so as soon as she saw a dog in the market crowd, she ducked into a stall full of coats and shapeshifted under the cover of fabric.

Now a floppy-eared dog with a brown brindled coat, Channei trotted from the stall and sniffed around. When she picked up the scent of roasting meat, she headed in that direction. It only took one pleading puppy-eyed look to get thrown a handful of scraps. It wasn't the best meat she'd ever had, but it was enough to take the edge off, and she'd certainly eaten far more questionable things.

As she ate, a boy no older than twelve approached the stall, followed by a pack of what had to be his younger siblings. A young girl broke away from them and ran to pet Channei. "Puppy!"

Channei surrendered to the child's affection. She nuzzled into the girl's hands and wagged her tail.

"Wren, don't pet strange dogs." Her brother came and tried to pull her away.

"No worries. Otter's a good girl. She comes by my stall every day hoping for leftovers." The butcher came out and patted Channei's head. She played the part and listened. "Are you all the kids from Felltree?"

"Yeah." Wren came back to pet Channei again. "Miss Peck wanted us to ask people if they've seen Styzians anywhere."

Channei's ear twitched.

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