{~• Leaked to Master •~}

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Licorice was sitting on his bed. He was debating on getting Dark Choco to come have "fun" with him again. He heard footsteps coming down the hallway. Licorice stood up as Red Velvet entered the room. "He Licorice. Master wants you." Red Velvet said as he gestured for Licorice to follow him. Licorice gulped and followed him. He took a deep breath as he entered the room. Licorice stood at the table and looked around. His eyes widened in horror when he spotted Dark Choco at the table with his head down. *Oh no... Did Master find out!!?* Licorice thought to himself as he started to slightly sweat. Dark Choco looked up at Licorice with a worried expression.

"Licorice and Dark Choco. I suppose you know why you are here" A strong voice said as it echoed through the room. " Y-yes" Licorice answered as Dark Choco stayed silent. "I have been told that you have been in a relationship with Dark Choco, Licorice" The master said coldly. Licorice flinched as he heard his name. "Y-yes... That is true." Licorice stuttered. "Very well. Red Velvet. Take him away and leave me and Dark Choco alone" The master demanded. Red Velvet stood up and walked towards Licorice. Dark Choco stared at Red Velvet with hatred in his eyes. Licorice felt hurt. *Red Velvet, told the master...?* He thought to himself as tears filled his eyes. Red Velvet grabbed Licorice's arm and dragged him outside.

"You told master?" Licorice asked. "Yes. I did tell her." Red Velvet said. "Why?" Licorice asked. "Because it wrong to be dating Dark Choco and you know that. Is there anything else that I should know about?" Red Velvet asked as he grabbed Licorice's arm and squeezed it. Licorice tried to snatch his arm away but failed. "R-red Velvet, y-your hand. You h-hurting me" Licorice said. Red Velvet looked at his hand that was squeezing Licorice's arm. He squeezed it tighter. "Is there?" He asked again. Licorice started crying. He knew that if he told Red Velvet what they did yesterday, he would tell the master and it would get them killed.

"N-no" Licorice said through his tears. "Are you sure?" Red Velvet asked. "Y-yes-" Licorice said. He yanked his arm away and looked at the large door. He heard the .aster yelling and Dark Choco trying to yell back in defense. He bolted for the door but Red Velvet grabbed him and held him back. "Dark Choco!" Licorice yelled. *he is going to get himself killed!* Licorice thought to himself. "Dark Choco!" Licorice yelled again. "You can't control who I'm in a relationship with!!" Dark Choco yelled from inside the room. "Yes I can! I am your master!" The master yelled back. "Punish him!!" The master yelled. Licorice's eyes widened in horror. "DARK CHOCO!!!" Licorice yelled and started crying again. He followed Dark Choco with his eyes as he was getting dragged away. "Dark Choco..." Licorice said.

"Bring in Licorice" the master said. Red Velvet dragged Licorice in the room. "Licorice. I hope you know that dating Dark Choco is bad and not allowed, correct?" The master said. "Y-yes. But I love him and it shouldn't not be allowed! Cookies should be able to be with who they love!" Licorice said. He hoped that the master would understand. But of course, the master didn't. The master sighed. "Punish him as well! You Cookies need to learn how to not dis-obey your master!" The master shouted. Licorice didn't resist as he was dragged away. He was thrown in a dark room and spotted Dark Choco. "Dark Choco!" He shouted. Dark Choco looked up and hugged Licorice. "Are you ok?" Dark Choco asked. "Yes" licorice replied. He kissed Dark Choco.

Red Velvet walked in the room with a rope. Licorice looked at him with horror. "Well. Time to face the consequences Licorice" Red Velvet said. He picked Licorice up and stood his by a wall. He slashed his rope across Licorice's arm and he screamed in pain. Dark Choco jumped forward but the chains on his wrists stopped him. Red Velvet slashed the rope across Licorice's chest. Licorice cried in pain. Red Velvet continued to hit, and cut Licorice. When he was finished, he threw Licorice on the ground and walked out of the room. Licorice laid there, covered in cuts and cried. Dark Choco has SOME tears falling down his face. He reached for Licorice and dragged him into a hug. "I'm sorry I couldn't help you..." Dark Choco said.

Licorice dug his head into Dark Choco's chest. "It's ok..." Licorice said through his sobs. Dark Choco held Licorice's head and let him cry into his chest. "Why...? Why can't we just be happy...?" Licorice sobbed. "I don't know... It's dumb" Dark Choco said. They pulled apart when Red Velvet came back and tossed them food. Licorice ate his and gave Dark Choco his. He laid down on Dark Choco's lap. "I'm tired..." Licorice said sleepily. "Then go to sleep" Dark Choco said as he patted Licorice's head. Licorice closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep. He winced from the pain from time to time. Dark Choco eventually fell asleep as well.

(Words: 875)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2023 ⏰

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