{~•Licorice's Dream~•}

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Licorice dragged Dark Choco to his room and stopped at the door. He looked at Dark Choco, who was smiling. Dark Choco took the initiative to open the door and walked inside. He dragged Licorice along and threw him on the bed. He climbed on the bed and went in for a kiss with his tongue. "Mmmm~" Licorice whimpered. Dark Choco dragged his hand down Licorice's waist. He squeezed Licorice's member and Licorice whimpered louder. Dark Choco pulled away from the kiss. "So you did want to continue" Dark Choco said. "Y-yes." Licorice said as he relaxed his body.

Dark Choco smirked and put his hand down Licorice's pants and kissed him. Licorice whimpered again and some tears filled his eyes. Not sad, it felt so good. Dark Choco stroaked Licorice's legnth and Licorice whimpered. Dark Choco kissed him harder and stroaked faster. Licorice made little noises here and there. He opened his eyes to see Dark Choco sweating with his eyes squeezed shut. "Are you ok?" Licorice asked as he forced Dark Choco to stop and put his hands on Dark Choco's cheeks. He opened his eyes. "Yes." Dark Choco said as he continued."D-dark Choco... I-I'm close" Licorice stuttered. After he said that, Dark Choco stroaked Licorice's length even faster.

Licorice moaned loudly as he finished. Dark Choco smiled as he kissed Licorice hard. *Why does this feel SO good? How is he doing this so good? Has he done this before?* Licorice thought to himself as his hips started moving uncontrollably when Dark Choco pushed up Licorice's robe and pulled down his underwear. Licorice's eyes widened as Dark Choco put his length in his mouth. Licorice whimpered and made noises as Dark Choco sucked his length. Dark Choco sat up and adjusted Licorice's legs and himself. Dark Choco was fully undressed out of no where and so was Licorice. Dark Choco put his length inside of Licorice slowly. Licorice's legs trembled. He put himself deeper inside of Licorice and pulled out slightly and continued the same pattern.

Licorice put his hands over his mouth to stop the escaping noises. "Mmmm~" Licorice whimpered as Dark Choco slowed down. Dark Choco sped up suddenly. Licorice slammed his hands besides him and moaned loudly. *How is he doing this so good? This feels amazing* Licorice thought to himself as he gripped his blankets when Dark Choco groaned and sped up. Dark Choco gave Licorice a burst and Licorice moaned loudly. He didn't know that his voice was strong enough to make that kind of noise so loudly. Dark Choco smiled and he continued. Licorice looked at Dark Choco. Dark Choco smirks as he stroaked Licorice's length and sped up. Licorice slammed his head back on the bed and gripped his hair.

He controlled himself from calling Dark Choco any names that wanted to force themselves out of his mouth. "H-harder". Licorice said uncontrollably. He covered his mouth and looked at Dark Choco who sped up alot faster. Licorice laid his head down and whimpered with his hand over his mouth to muffle the sounds. Dark Choco sped up alot more faster and groaned. Licorice's eyes widened as Dark Choco gave him another burst and he did to. Dark Choco smiled and put his head down to taste the warm skin on Licorice's member. Licorice grabbed Dark Choco's hair as he licked Licorice's member. He was teasing Licorice. Licorice laid his head back, still gripping Dark Choco's hair as Dark Choco put Licorice's full length in his mouth and pulled it out slightly and continued that pattern again. Licorice grabbed his own hair. "Mmmm~" Licorice whimpered. He moved his hips up slightly to put his member more into Dark Choco's mouth. Dark Choco sat up and wiped to whiteness off his mouth. He crawled up to Licorice and kissed his as he put his Length inside of him.

Licorice whimpered as Dark Choco grabbed Licorice's hair and put his length deeper inside him and pulled it out slightly and did it over, over, and over again. Licorice couldn't do this anymore. He moaned loudly and kissed Dark Choco harder. Dark Choco put his hands on Licorice's hips and moved them up and down, forcing his member to go inside of Licorice deeper. Licorice and Dark Choco adjusted themselves and Licorice was now on Dark Choco. Licorice took Dark Choco's length and put it inside him. He whimpered as he went up and down. Dark Choco laid his head down and stroaked his hair. His head finally got to relax. He squeezed his eyes shut as Licorice sped up. "You do this pretty good" Dark Choco whimpered as he looked at Licorice. Licorice didn't answer and sped up and he was about to burst. Dark Choco grabbed Licorice's hips and made him go faster as he was about to burst as well.

Dark Choco bursted inside of Licorice and Licorice did the same, but wasn't inside of Dark Choco. Licorice whimpered and continued as he looked up. Dark Choco laid his head back and moved his hips up and down fastly as he held Licorice's waist. He slammed his skin against Licorice's and sped up. Licorice moaned loudly as he bent down and kissed Dark Choco and he sped up. Licorice was moving back and forth, his weight was nothing compared to the power and force Dark Choco was applying. Dark Choco stopped after giving Licorice a burst. Licorice moaned loudly and gripped Dark Choco's hair. Licorice laid down on Dark Choco with him still inside him. They were both breathing heavily. "Liked that?" Dark Choco asked as he looked at Licorice. "Mhm..." Licorice mumbled as he was trembling. Dark Choco kissed Licorice and laid his head back down. "So, this means we are dating, right?" Dark Choco asked. "Mhm..." Licorice mumbled again as he stroaked Dark Choco's hair.

"Want to go again?" Dark Choco asked as he grabbed Licorice's hips. "No, I'm worn out..." Licorice said as he pulled Dark Choco out of him and sat up on Dark Choco's waist. "I understand. I was a bit rough" Dark Choco admitted. Licorice laughed as he stood up and got dressed. Dark Choco did the same and walked to the door. He grabbed to door knob and looked back. "See you later pumpkin" Dark Choco said as Licorice turned as red as a tomato. Dark Choco laughed and walked out, shutting the door behind him.

{•words: 1064•}

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