Chapter 10 - Mommy to The Rescue

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"Would this something happen to start with C and end in Assidy?" Damn this girl knows me too well.


"If you are asking for my permission to start something with my sister you have it, I was on board with you guys from the start. It's Steven you should be going to."

"Nooooo, he scares me," I give Belly a playful pout.

"Jesus, how does Cassie like you?" Belly shoves me.

"Um, because of my beautiful looks and impeccable charm."

Belly laughs, getting up, "Yeah right."

I feign hurt, but I'm glad Belly is feeling better after the fight with her mom. Belly is like the little sister I never had, and I know my mom felt like Belly and Cassie were the daughters she never got. Good thing I plan on marrying Cassie, I'll be making my mother proud.

Cassidy's pov:

I finally get up about 20 minutes later. Jere was my only source of warmth all night and my blood runs cold. I walk downstairs quietly. I've always been good at being quiet, I've never been disruptive. I always help around the house. I tend to leave it to Belly and Steven to stress mom out.

"I know I fucked up, all right? Cassie and Belly too. But at least they were here." I hear from the kitchen. Goddamnit all I wanted was breakfast now I have to walk in on Steven fighting with someone. Who he would be saying this to? I have no idea. "The second the boys needed them, they stepped up. You didn't even tell anyone this was coming."

"Steven, I've been trying to just-" Oh my god. My mother is here??

"Try harder then," Well that was rude Steven.

When I'm sure that my mother is alone in the kitchen I race down the stairs. "Mom!!" I yell happily and pull her into a hug.

She's obviously upset by the fight with Steven but she wraps her arms around me slowly, "Hey sweetheart."

"I'm sorry for whatever Steven said, he's wrong."

"No, no. He's right. I'm sorry for not being as present as I should have these past couple months. But I'm here now, and I'm going to try to fix this."

"It's okay mom, you're grieving over your best friend. It's understandable that you won't be 100% in the moment. I knew we should've called you right away. Conrad's just a stubborn little fucker who wants to do everything himself."

Mom lets out a breathy laugh, "language!"

"I'm going to change," I tell my mother, giving her a kiss on the cheek, "love ya!"

I skip my way upstairs. Mom is finally going to put an end to this insanity. Laurel has got to be the coolest mom ever. After I change I come downstairs to hopefully an empty kitchen. It's not, sigh. Jere's here, at least it isn't like- Conrad. I am in no shape to deal with Connie's mood swings.

I skip to Jeremiah and attempt to pick him up in a hug. Key word being attempt. He chuckles as I struggle. I eventually give up, Jere wraps me in a hug, picks me up, and spins me around. "Pfft, showoff," I say, rolling my eyes.

"C'mon help me clean."

"Ughhh, fine. But let me eat first. I'm starving!" I quickly eat my food and start cleaning. This house is a mess. Eventually everyone but mom and Belly join us in our cleaning endeavors.

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