Chapter 6 - Snuggles and Defeat

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"So, this is why you haven't answered any of my phone calls?" Jeremiah says changing the subject.

"Jere, we are going to lose this house. Mom's house."

"Why would your dad sell this house?" Belly butts in again.

"He's not. Our Aunt Julia is," Conrad says, averting his eyes from Belly. God he is so in love with her.

"Susannah's sister?"

"Half-sister. Apparently, the house belonged to the both of them. Now that mom is- Aunt Julia owns the whole thing."

"Let's call dad and figure something out!" Jere says.

"I've done that! He says legally the house is hers."

"Then he'll buy it."

"He doesn't have the money!" Conrad says, yelling louder than before.

The boys get into a fight over who was there for Susannah, school, and other shit. I begin spacing out trying to find possible solutions to save the beach house. All the important milestones of my life have happened here, I would absolutely hate to lose this sacred space.

Jeremiah walks out and I chase after him. I know Belly and Conrad need to make up.

"Hey, hey hey!" I say catching up to Jere, "We need to work this out."

"Connie can't just give up on school like this!"

"Shhh, he won't. He'll study, go back for finals and we'll figure this all out," I tell him, rubbing his back. Jeremiah seems to calm down a little with my words, "Let's go back inside and eat something, okay?"

"Yeah, brain food."

When I peek through Jeremiah's door, I see him struggling with the bedsheets. I chuckle and say, "Having trouble?"

"Yeah. I'm just so fucking tired, Cass."

"Get up, I'll do it for you."

"No, you don't have to do that," he says, as he gets up.

"Well, you are clearly failing," I laugh.


As I get up to leave after fixing Jeremiah's bed he says, "Hey, Cass?"

I turn, "Yeah?"

"Thanks for coming. You and Belly, but especially you," Jere says with a grin I can't quite decipher the meaning of.

"Yeah, of course," I say with a stupid smirk on my face. God the things this boy does to me, "Good night," I tell him before walking out of his room.

I wake up from voices downstairs. I walk into the kitchen and see Belly, Jere, and Conrad.

"Aunt Julia is already here," Conrad is telling them.

"What?!" Jeremiah exclaims, making me wince. I hate loud noises when I just wake up, that's why garbage day is my least favorite day of the week.

"Yeah, she got in yesterday. She's at Ocean Harbor."

"You saw her?"

"I mean we talked on the phone for about five seconds," I can tell Conrad is annoyed, "She couldn't be bothered to come to mom's funeral, but she'll hop on the first flight to sell this place."

"I-I don't get it, why? What's the big rush?"

"It doesn't matter why! This isn't a game, ok? This is serious shit," Connie needs a hug. And a break. 

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