Chapter 1 - Alone

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 School has started again, me and Steven are seniors this year, Belly is a junior. This is supposed to be the most exciting year of my high school career. But I can't see myself going out and having fun with friends. Susannah has cancer and me and Jere are over. He said it was just a break but then he doesn't contact me at all?? I get that he needs to be there for his mom and all, but even when it wasn't summer me and Jeremiah still checked in with each other. We did more than check in, we would facetime for hours.

I am greeted by a ton of familiar faces as I take the first steps towards the first day of the last year I will have to endure of this shitty place. Steven walks in two steps later and people start cheering for my obnoxious twin.

And arm slings around me and I look up to see Eddie.

"Hey gorgeous, look I'm having this party later and you and your friends are invited," His thick and overbearing Canadian accent is all I process for 2 seconds and then I understand his words.

"Party for what? It's the first day Ed," I say exasperated. Eddie and I have been sorta friends since middle school, but I've always known he's had a crush on me.

"For the last year we'll have to be in this shithole Cass. Look, it's later at 11pm, you don't have to come but just think about it?" He smiles the smile that he had before he became everyone at this school's god. And when he called me Cass, I almost let myself think it was Jeremiah with his arm around me.

"Yeah, I'll come if Stace does too," I agree.

"Let me talk to Stacy, I bet I can convince her," Eddie gives me one last wink and he's off to talk to my best friend who I doubt will have any problem going to a party.

I walk to my first class and take a seat at the back left. Mr. Horrison is deaf in his left ear, so he won't be able to hear me and my friends whispering when he's not looking. Stacy walks in and sits down beside me, "Hey Cassie, heard about that party later? We are so going!"

"Yeah whatever," I say, already escaping to the world inside my head where everything is perfect. Susannah doesn't have cancer, and me and Jeremiah are together.

"Hellooooo?? Earth to Cassidy?" Stace steals my attention back to the real world, "I asked you what you were going to wear."

"Oh um, how about you come over later to choose, I don't really care."

"Jesus Christ, what is with you this year?" Stacy is my best school friend. I don't really have anyone close enough to talk to about my shit, Jere was the person I would usually go to about that sort of stuff. Look how that turned out.

"I'm just tired," Apparently that was my catchphrase now.

"Well, we are going to party the tiredness out of you!" Stacy said excitedly.

 Jeremiah's pov:

I walked in the school for the last first time ever. That was a jumble of words. It was my senior year and since everyone here looked to me as some sort of leader, cheers erupted everywhere I went. I guess people were going to miss me. Speaking of missing people, I missed Cass. I've wanted to call, check in, go back to how things were before. But every time I worked up the nerve it left me just as soon as it came.

I walked into my first class and did a double take at a new girl who looks just like Cassidy. Long brown hair, tan skin, yada yada. She was nearly as pretty as my Cassie, but she didn't radiate the energy that Cass gave off. The energy that I was addicted to.

Nonetheless I sat next to this mystery girl. She looked over at me and I took it as my chance to introduce myself, "Hi, I'm Jeremiah," I said with a smile.

"I'm Sadie," she said, smiling back.

"Are you new this year?"

She chuckled, "Yeah, I am. I came from Arizona."

"Nice, nice..." I trailed off, "My friend is having a party later if you want to come?"

"Um sure," She smiled, and we exchanged numbers.

Cassidy's pov:

I walked into Eddie's house with Stacy, Belly, Taylor, and Steven. Eddie greeted us immediately, "Ayyyye my favorite people!" Eddie and Steven exchanged some sort of handshake and then Ed hugged everyone, lingering on mine for a little too long.

I pushed away, "Hey Ed, nice place."

"Thank you, thank you," he said as he bowed.

"Me and Taylor are going to find drinks," Belly said to me.

"Be responsible Bells!" I called after her.

"I see Jordan, I'm gonna try and get him to dance with me!" Stacy says as she rushes past us. I turn and see that Steven had already left without saying anything, leaving me and Eddie alone.

"Wanna get a drink? Or dance?" Eddie asks me all of a sudden shy.

"I think I'm just going to take a look around, but thanks for the offer," I say, trying my best to be polite.

"Uh alright let me give you a tour," Eddie says Canadianly.

"Sure, whatever," I say the last part quietly.

Eddie shows me around the house. His living room was exceptionally decorated. He leads me upstairs showing all the good bathrooms and then he takes my hand and leads me into his bedroom. My body is immediately coiled tight with tension.

Eddie starts talking rapidly, "Look I've had this thing for you since freshman year and I've been working up the nerve to ask you out, but I never could. I've gone out with loads of other girls, no prob. But asking you out is hard because you are so smart and so self-assured, but I figured senior year was the time to do it. Now or never, right? So, Cassidy Conklin, will you do me the honor of taking you out on a date?"

I was quiet for a second before responding, "I umm, see Ed I would but, I just had this thing with someone, and I need to move on first before I go out and start something new with another person. But when I do move on, you'll be the first to know. That is if you don't already have an amazing girlfriend," The last part was a lie. I didn't think I could ever get over Jeremiah Fisher.

"Oh yeah, that makes total sense. Hah. I'm just gonna go downstairs and get a drink now." He said quietly before he slipped past me.

I left the party right after that interaction and cried in my room until 1am.

Jeremiah's pov:

 Me and Sadie have been talking for a while in the basement by ourselves, eventually the topic of people we liked came up.

"So, do you like anyone?" Sadie asked very non-subtly.

I chuckled, "Ah, no I don't," I said while suppressing the thought of Cassie.

"Good so you won't mind if I..." She trailed off and leaned in. I leaned towards her as well and our lips brushed for the smallest of moments before I pulled away quickly.

"I- I can't be doing this," That was all I said before I rushed out of the basement and out of that house. What the fuck was I thinking? Cass was the only one for me.


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