Chapter 8 - The Almost Kiss

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We explored the house further. Jeremiah ran upstairs and I was tempted to follow him but I was in too much shock. I took slow steps all around, taking it all in. Jeremiah rushed back down, "Everything is gone," he informed us.

This is when Aunt Julia decides to make her appearance. "What the fuck Julia?" Conrad says angrily. Poison is laced in his tone.

"I'm sorry. This must be such a shock. I spoke to your father this afternoon, and he and I decided that it would be best to not drag this out any longer than necessary." I reached up to wipe the tears off my face. This place had always had more of a homey feel than where I actually lived. The boys, the beach, the sun. That was all here. But now it wasn't.

"I don't give a shit what the two of you decided on. You had no right to touch ANYTHING in this house. Those were her things!" Steven rushes up to try and calm Conrad down.

"Everything is in storage. I made sure that everyone was very careful with every single thing," Julia explains, "I'm just doing what I have to do to sell this house."

"Bullshit, you could've said something! You could've warned us! All you wanna do is fight our mom-"

"Ok enough!" Julia raises her voice at Connie, "You are not the only one who is hurting here. And I'm not the one you should be angry with. Your mother could've warned you that this was gonna happen! She just wanted to make me the bad guy, as usual." Bullshit, Susannah would never make anyone the bad guy. If she was to blame she would take the blame.

"I'm so sorry that she was too busy dying to make your life a little easier. Y'know it sucks that our grandfather loved her more than you, but I'm not surprised." Okay that was a low blow even for Conrad.

Connie walks away, Jere tries to stop him but he breaks into a jog. I meet eyes with Julia and give her my best death stare. We were having such a good day and she decided to hit us with this shit. Everyone walks out except for Skye. I go out to look for Jeremiah. Everyone gathers outside, Conrad has his phone to his ear.

"Of course dad did nothing to stop her!" Conrad said.

"Connie, what could he do?" Jeremiah asks.

"Jere, he doesn't care about us!" Skye steps outside after Conrad's phone goes to voicemail, "Did you know about this?! I'm serious, did you know about this?" Conrad says rushing up to them.

"I didn't know anything! I swear I would have told you," Skye tells him.

"Would you have, really? Because we haven't seen each other in ten years. Would a day at the boardwalk be enough to make you betray your mom?"

"Listen, I know we don't know each other well, but I wouldn't have side-swiped you like this."

"Connie, come on! What are we gonna do?" Steven asks.

"I don't know!" This is the first time I've ever seen Conrad so helpless. He was always the leader, he always knew what to do and how to get us out of tough situations.

"Well we can't just leave! The house isn't sold yet, we still have a chance," Jeremiah speaks up. It's nice to see him not live under Conrad's shadow.

"Slim one, I mean, full disclosure, mom's realtor is expecting multiple cash offers," Skye decides to bring the mood down further.

Thankfully my twin decides to put them in their place, "Thank you, Skye, for the bleak as fuck assessment. Also, where are we going to sleep tonight?"

"I think there are some sleeping bags in the garage," Belly informs us.

"I'm not sleeping in this house," Conrad whispers, but I agree with him. It'll be unbearable to sleep in that house with the ghost of Susannah's memories.

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