Over You

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I felt horrible. My head was so into the clouds as I kissed the boy I hated. They say there is thin line between love and hate and I just broke it with a simple kiss. But it wasn't simple because it held so much emotion that I couldn't describe. So many years of loathing each other, mended by a simple gesture. I pulled away first, looking into his honey brown eyes. We connected our foreheads as we panted, sucking in every bit of oxygen. My heart was beating just like it had with Tom but it was different, so different. How was I going to recover from this? Tom!

"Tell me this is just a prank." I panted heavily.

"It is definitely." He said having a genuine smile on his face as he searched for any sign of repulsion from me. I flicked him on the head.

"Ow. Rude.'' He yelled, laughing. I decided I like when he laughed.

"I lost you." A voice spoke from the side, beside the pillars of the castle. Tom...
How could I do this to him? I felt stupid for not realising he meant Matheo when he said that the previous day. Technically I hated to say he was right but I didn't know Tom would care. The rain had stopped, all that was left was the smell of mud beneath us. I had no explanation for Tom, we weren't even together so why did he seem so betrayed. He walked up to us, we were frozen in palce. Tom was angry, I had never seen him so furious. 

"Stop playing with her!" He yelled.

"He isn't-" I wanted to say but I didn't know for sure either.

"Does it ever occur to you that I love her just as much as you do?" Mattheo spat.
This seemed to silence him. Silence me.

Love? What were they talking about?

"I give you the choice Sadie. Who do you want?" Tom asked.

"I just don't understand." I said and started running because all I knew was to run, from everything. None of them called behind me when I sneaked a last glance at them who were standing still facing each other.

What have I done? Voldemort killed my parents, how could I? I tiptoed inside the common room and to my bedroom. Hermione was a light sleeper so I had to be extra careful.

I lay in bed that night with a moral dilemma. I didn't know what just happened but I knew I needed sleep so I close my eyes, welcoming the darkness.


The next morning my eyes opened and the first thought that popped into my head was last night. How was I going to face them? I should ignore, ignore, ignore. The whole of Sunday morning I spent in bed with my head in my hands. The more I thought of it, the more it drove me insane with guilt. Hermione couldn't figure out what was wrong, she told me Andrew was worried too. I had skipped breakfast now twice in a row. I needed to eat so I went to the kitchen, greeting Dobby. He was more than happy to see me, at least someone was. I had pancakes and orange juice, they were delicious. It was my comfort food. I decided that to solve this problem, I had to distance myself from them, it was the only way. What if Voldemort found out about me? There was no need for drama but it always seemed to follow me because the door opened and in came Draco Malfoy.

He saw me and widened his eyes, he had become a tolerable person over the summer. He even apologised for what he had said to me and Hermione.

He read my expression rather fast.

"They fight over you, you know?"

I nodded and left the kitchen with a solemn expression.

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