Fool's Gold

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I woke up with a clear head and silence which meant only one thing. My roommate had already left, Hermione Granger. I was grateful that she was the only person I had to share a room with. We were friends but I always thought she secretly judged me. The first time we had met was in the train compartment in our first year. We had been perfectly acquainted for that day but when we found out we were roommates, we grew even more excited. That didn't last long, obviously because our small habits that we liked when we first met had turned annoying in every way. I still admired her as a student though, she was headstrong.

I decided to get out of bed, stretching the sleepiness out. I looked at the clock. Shit! I was late! I gathered my things rather hastily and dressed up in speed. I went running down the corridor, no breakfast. Reaching my potions classroom in time was impossible. I would have to bare Snape's lecture again. Nothing from me made him happy even though I rather excelled at Potions. He always gave me the 'okay' look everytime I kept my hopes up a out doing my potion well.

I had to remember this was my fifth year which meant passing OWLS. The smallest things seemed to stress me out. I couldn't handle more mess so mayne I should call it quits with the Riddle brothers.

I finally barged in the classroom, all eyes turning to me. "Ms. Potter, I won't give you detention today seeing as you clearly are in support of my house." Snape said monotonously.

I was utterly confused at what he said then looked down. SLYTHERIN ROBES. YES, SLYTHERIN ROBES. Was this Tom's? I thought but immediately changed my mind when I saw Riddle No. 2's smirk. Oh forget what I said earlier, it is on.


My day went horrible, all with what the rumours of me and Mattheo. I hated it and I hated him. How could I have thought he would be a decent human being ever? Everything that happened yesterday was readily forgotten. When I passed Tom in the hallway he acknowledged me by smirking at my robes. He must have thought they were his but I would rather let them just be Matheo's.

Wait! Does that mean I am wearing Mattheo's robes? Because I checked for a charm on them and there was none. Gross. I would have gone up and changed if I didn't have back to back classes.

When I got bothered by the stairs, I decided to own it. So what if I slept with Mattheo? No big deal, I was still Sadie Potter and nothing would change that. When it was time for dinner I strut up to the Great Hall. At this point I didn't even care.

Professor McGonagall looked me down and shook her head in disappointment. Brilliant, now my favourite professor was mad at me. I had to actually get Matheo back for this and not just think about it, act on it.

How about some of the foulest smelling fragrances that would drive every girl away?

Broken Love- Riddle BrothersDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora